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16 KiB

Copyright (C) 2011-2012
This file is part of de4dot.
de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with de4dot. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using de4dot.blocks;
namespace de4dot.code.deobfuscators.Confuser {
class ConstantsDecrypterV15 {
ModuleDefinition module;
ISimpleDeobfuscator simpleDeobfuscator;
MethodDefinition decryptMethod;
EmbeddedResource resource;
uint key0, key1, key2, key3;
byte doubleType, singleType, int32Type, int64Type, stringType;
BinaryReader reader;
ConfuserVersion version = ConfuserVersion.Unknown;
enum ConfuserVersion {
public MethodDefinition Method {
get { return decryptMethod; }
public EmbeddedResource Resource {
get { return resource; }
public bool Detected {
get { return decryptMethod != null; }
public ConstantsDecrypterV15(ModuleDefinition module, ISimpleDeobfuscator simpleDeobfuscator) {
this.module = module;
this.simpleDeobfuscator = simpleDeobfuscator;
static readonly string[] requiredLocals = new string[] {
public void find() {
var type = DotNetUtils.getModuleType(module);
if (type == null)
foreach (var method in type.Methods) {
if (!method.IsStatic || method.Body == null)
if (!DotNetUtils.isMethod(method, "System.Object", "(System.UInt32)"))
var localTypes = new LocalTypes(method);
if (!localTypes.all(requiredLocals))
if (localTypes.exists("System.Collections.BitArray")) // or System.Random
version = ConfuserVersion.v15_r60785_normal;
else if (DeobUtils.hasInteger(method, 0x100) &&
DeobUtils.hasInteger(method, 0x10000) &&
DeobUtils.hasInteger(method, 0xFFFF))
version = ConfuserVersion.v17_r73404_normal;
else if (findInstruction(method.Body.Instructions, 0, Code.Conv_I8) >= 0)
version = ConfuserVersion.v15_r60785_dynamic;
version = ConfuserVersion.v17_r73740_dynamic;
decryptMethod = method;
public void initialize() {
if ((resource = findResource(decryptMethod)) == null)
throw new ApplicationException("Could not find encrypted consts resource");
if (!initializeKeys())
throw new ApplicationException("Could not find all keys");
if (!initializeTypeCodes())
throw new ApplicationException("Could not find all type codes");
var constants = DeobUtils.inflate(resource.GetResourceData(), true);
reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(constants));
bool initializeKeys() {
if (!findKey0(decryptMethod, out key0))
return false;
if (!findKey1(decryptMethod, out key1))
return false;
if (!findKey2Key3(decryptMethod, out key2, out key3))
return false;
return true;
static bool findKey0(MethodDefinition method, out uint key) {
var instrs = method.Body.Instructions;
for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 5; i++) {
if (!DotNetUtils.isLdloc(instrs[i]))
if (instrs[i + 1].OpCode.Code != Code.Or)
var ldci4 = instrs[i + 2];
if (!DotNetUtils.isLdcI4(ldci4))
if (instrs[i + 3].OpCode.Code != Code.Xor)
if (instrs[i + 4].OpCode.Code != Code.Add)
if (!DotNetUtils.isStloc(instrs[i + 5]))
key = (uint)DotNetUtils.getLdcI4Value(ldci4);
return true;
key = 0;
return false;
static bool findKey1(MethodDefinition method, out uint key) {
var instrs = method.Body.Instructions;
for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count; i++) {
int index = ConfuserUtils.findCallMethod(instrs, i, Code.Callvirt, "System.Int32 System.Reflection.MemberInfo::get_MetadataToken()");
if (index < 0)
if (index + 2 > instrs.Count)
if (!DotNetUtils.isStloc(instrs[index + 1]))
var ldci4 = instrs[index + 2];
if (!DotNetUtils.isLdcI4(ldci4))
key = (uint)DotNetUtils.getLdcI4Value(ldci4);
return true;
key = 0;
return false;
static bool findKey2Key3(MethodDefinition method, out uint key2, out uint key3) {
var instrs = method.Body.Instructions;
for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 3; i++) {
var ldci4_1 = instrs[i];
if (!DotNetUtils.isLdcI4(ldci4_1))
if (!DotNetUtils.isStloc(instrs[i + 1]))
var ldci4_2 = instrs[i + 2];
if (!DotNetUtils.isLdcI4(ldci4_2))
if (!DotNetUtils.isStloc(instrs[i + 3]))
key2 = (uint)DotNetUtils.getLdcI4Value(ldci4_1);
key3 = (uint)DotNetUtils.getLdcI4Value(ldci4_2);
return true;
key2 = 0;
key3 = 0;
return false;
bool initializeTypeCodes() {
var allBlocks = new Blocks(decryptMethod).MethodBlocks.getAllBlocks();
if (!findTypeCode(allBlocks, out doubleType, Code.Call, "System.Double System.BitConverter::ToDouble(System.Byte[],System.Int32)"))
return false;
if (!findTypeCode(allBlocks, out singleType, Code.Call, "System.Single System.BitConverter::ToSingle(System.Byte[],System.Int32)"))
return false;
if (!findTypeCode(allBlocks, out int32Type, Code.Call, "System.Int32 System.BitConverter::ToInt32(System.Byte[],System.Int32)"))
return false;
if (!findTypeCode(allBlocks, out int64Type, Code.Call, "System.Int64 System.BitConverter::ToInt64(System.Byte[],System.Int32)"))
return false;
if (!findTypeCode(allBlocks, out stringType, Code.Callvirt, "System.String System.Text.Encoding::GetString(System.Byte[])"))
return false;
return true;
static bool findTypeCode(IList<Block> allBlocks, out byte typeCode, Code callCode, string bitConverterMethod) {
foreach (var block in allBlocks) {
if (block.Sources.Count != 1)
int index = ConfuserUtils.findCallMethod(block.Instructions, 0, callCode, bitConverterMethod);
if (index < 0)
if (!findTypeCode(block.Sources[0], out typeCode))
return true;
typeCode = 0;
return false;
static Block fixBlock(Block block) {
if (block.Sources.Count != 1)
return block;
if (block.getOnlyTarget() == null)
return block;
if (block.Instructions.Count == 0) {
else if (block.Instructions.Count == 1 && block.Instructions[0].OpCode.Code == Code.Nop) {
return block;
return block.Sources[0];
static bool findTypeCode(Block block, out byte typeCode) {
block = fixBlock(block);
var instrs = block.Instructions;
int numCeq = 0;
for (int i = instrs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var instr = instrs[i];
if (instr.OpCode.Code == Code.Ceq) {
if (!DotNetUtils.isLdcI4(instr.Instruction))
if (numCeq != 0 && numCeq != 2)
typeCode = (byte)DotNetUtils.getLdcI4Value(instr.Instruction);
return true;
typeCode = 0;
return false;
EmbeddedResource findResource(MethodDefinition method) {
return DotNetUtils.getResource(module, DotNetUtils.getCodeStrings(method)) as EmbeddedResource;
public object decryptInt32(MethodDefinition caller, uint magic) {
byte typeCode;
var data = decryptData(caller, magic, out typeCode);
if (typeCode != int32Type)
return null;
if (data.Length != 4)
throw new ApplicationException("Invalid data length");
return BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0);
public object decryptInt64(MethodDefinition caller, uint magic) {
byte typeCode;
var data = decryptData(caller, magic, out typeCode);
if (typeCode != int64Type)
return null;
if (data.Length != 8)
throw new ApplicationException("Invalid data length");
return BitConverter.ToInt64(data, 0);
public object decryptSingle(MethodDefinition caller, uint magic) {
byte typeCode;
var data = decryptData(caller, magic, out typeCode);
if (typeCode != singleType)
return null;
if (data.Length != 4)
throw new ApplicationException("Invalid data length");
return BitConverter.ToSingle(data, 0);
public object decryptDouble(MethodDefinition caller, uint magic) {
byte typeCode;
var data = decryptData(caller, magic, out typeCode);
if (typeCode != doubleType)
return null;
if (data.Length != 8)
throw new ApplicationException("Invalid data length");
return BitConverter.ToDouble(data, 0);
public string decryptString(MethodDefinition caller, uint magic) {
byte typeCode;
var data = decryptData(caller, magic, out typeCode);
if (typeCode != stringType)
return null;
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);
byte[] decryptData(MethodDefinition caller, uint magic, out byte typeCode) {
uint offs = calcHash(caller.MetadataToken.ToUInt32()) ^ magic;
reader.BaseStream.Position = offs;
typeCode = reader.ReadByte();
if (typeCode != int32Type && typeCode != int64Type &&
typeCode != singleType && typeCode != doubleType &&
typeCode != stringType)
throw new ApplicationException("Invalid type code");
var encrypted = reader.ReadBytes(reader.ReadInt32());
return decryptConstant(encrypted, offs);
byte[] decryptConstant(byte[] encrypted, uint offs) {
switch (version) {
case ConfuserVersion.v15_r60785_normal: return decryptConstant_v15_r60785_normal(encrypted, offs);
case ConfuserVersion.v15_r60785_dynamic: return decryptConstant_v15_r60785_dynamic(encrypted, offs);
case ConfuserVersion.v17_r73404_normal: return decryptConstant_v17_r73404_normal(encrypted, offs);
case ConfuserVersion.v17_r73740_dynamic: return decryptConstant_v17_r73740_dynamic(encrypted, offs);
default: throw new ApplicationException("Invalid version");
byte[] decryptConstant_v15_r60785_normal(byte[] encrypted, uint offs) {
var rand = new Random((int)(key0 ^ offs));
var decrypted = new byte[encrypted.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < decrypted.Length; i++)
decrypted[i] ^= encrypted[i];
return decrypted;
byte[] decryptConstant_v15_r60785_dynamic(byte[] encrypted, uint offs) {
var instrs = decryptMethod.Body.Instructions;
int startIndex = getDynamicStartIndex_v15_r60785(instrs);
int endIndex = getDynamicEndIndex_v15_r60785(instrs, startIndex);
if (endIndex < 0)
throw new ApplicationException("Could not find start/endIndex");
var dataReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(encrypted));
var decrypted = new byte[dataReader.ReadInt32()];
var constReader = new Arg64ConstantsReader(instrs, false);
ConfuserUtils.decryptCompressedInt32Data(constReader, startIndex, endIndex, dataReader, decrypted);
return decrypted;
static int getDynamicStartIndex_v15_r60785(IList<Instruction> instrs) {
int index = findInstruction(instrs, 0, Code.Conv_I8);
if (index < 0)
return -1;
if (findInstruction(instrs, index + 1, Code.Conv_I8) >= 0)
return -1;
return index;
static int getDynamicEndIndex_v15_r60785(IList<Instruction> instrs, int index) {
if (index < 0)
return -1;
for (int i = index; i < instrs.Count; i++) {
var instr = instrs[i];
if (instr.OpCode.FlowControl != FlowControl.Next)
if (instr.OpCode.Code == Code.Conv_U1)
return i;
return -1;
static int findInstruction(IList<Instruction> instrs, int index, Code code) {
for (int i = index; i < instrs.Count; i++) {
if (instrs[i].OpCode.Code == code)
return i;
return -1;
byte[] decryptConstant_v17_r73404_normal(byte[] encrypted, uint offs) {
return ConfuserUtils.decrypt(key0 ^ offs, encrypted);
static VariableDefinition getDynamicLocal_v17_r73740(MethodDefinition method) {
var instrs = method.Body.Instructions;
for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count; i++) {
i = ConfuserUtils.findCallMethod(instrs, i, Code.Callvirt, "System.Byte System.IO.BinaryReader::ReadByte()");
if (i < 0 || i + 5 >= instrs.Count)
if (!DotNetUtils.isStloc(instrs[i + 1]))
var ldloc = instrs[i + 2];
if (!DotNetUtils.isLdloc(ldloc))
if (!DotNetUtils.isLdloc(instrs[i + 3]))
var ldci4 = instrs[i + 4];
if (!DotNetUtils.isLdcI4(ldci4) || DotNetUtils.getLdcI4Value(ldci4) != 0x7F)
if (instrs[i + 5].OpCode.Code != Code.And)
return DotNetUtils.getLocalVar(method.Body.Variables, ldloc);
return null;
static int getDynamicEndIndex_v17_r73740(MethodDefinition method, VariableDefinition local) {
var instrs = method.Body.Instructions;
for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 5; i++) {
var stloc = instrs[i];
if (!DotNetUtils.isStloc(stloc) || DotNetUtils.getLocalVar(method.Body.Variables, stloc) != local)
if (!DotNetUtils.isLdloc(instrs[i + 1]))
if (!DotNetUtils.isLdloc(instrs[i + 2]))
var ldloc = instrs[i + 3];
if (!DotNetUtils.isLdloc(ldloc) || DotNetUtils.getLocalVar(method.Body.Variables, ldloc) != local)
if (instrs[i + 4].OpCode.Code != Code.Conv_U1)
if (instrs[i + 5].OpCode.Code != Code.Stelem_I1)
return i;
return -1;
static int getDynamicStartIndex_v17_r73740(MethodDefinition method, int endIndex) {
if (endIndex < 0)
return -1;
var instrs = method.Body.Instructions;
for (int i = endIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
if (i == 0)
return i == endIndex ? -1 : i + 1;
if (instrs[i].OpCode.FlowControl == FlowControl.Next)
return i + 1;
return -1;
byte[] decryptConstant_v17_r73740_dynamic(byte[] encrypted, uint offs) {
var local = getDynamicLocal_v17_r73740(decryptMethod);
if (local == null)
throw new ApplicationException("Could not find local");
int endIndex = getDynamicEndIndex_v17_r73740(decryptMethod, local);
int startIndex = getDynamicStartIndex_v17_r73740(decryptMethod, endIndex);
if (startIndex < 0)
throw new ApplicationException("Could not find start/end index");
var constReader = new ConstantsReader(decryptMethod);
var dataReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(encrypted));
var decrypted = new byte[dataReader.ReadInt32()];
return decryptCompressedInt32Data(constReader, local, startIndex, endIndex, dataReader, decrypted);
static byte[] decryptCompressedInt32Data(ConstantsReader constReader, VariableDefinition local, int exprStart, int exprEnd, BinaryReader reader, byte[] decrypted) {
for (int i = 0; i < decrypted.Length; i++) {
constReader.setConstantInt32(local, Utils.readEncodedInt32(reader));
int index = exprStart, result;
if (!constReader.getNextInt32(ref index, out result) || index != exprEnd)
throw new ApplicationException("Could not decrypt integer");
decrypted[i] = (byte)result;
return decrypted;
uint calcHash(uint x) {
uint h0 = key1 ^ x;
uint h1 = key2;
uint h2 = key3;
for (uint i = 1; i <= 64; i++) {
h0 = (h0 << 8) | (h0 >> 24);
uint n = h0 & 0x3F;
if (n >= 0 && n < 16) {
h1 |= ((byte)(h0 >> 8) & (h0 >> 16)) ^ (byte)~h0;
h2 ^= (h0 * i + 1) & 0xF;
h0 += (h1 | h2) ^ key0;
else if (n >= 16 && n < 32) {
h1 ^= ((h0 & 0x00FF00FF) << 8) ^ (ushort)((h0 >> 8) | ~h0);
h2 += (h0 * i) & 0x1F;
h0 |= (h1 + ~h2) & key0;
else if (n >= 32 && n < 48) {
h1 += (byte)(h0 | (h0 >> 16)) + (~h0 & 0xFF);
h2 -= ~(h0 + n) % 48;
h0 ^= (h1 % h2) | key0;
else if (n >= 48 && n < 64) {
h1 ^= ((byte)(h0 >> 16) | ~(h0 & 0xFF)) * (~h0 & 0x00FF0000);
h2 += (h0 ^ (i - 1)) % n;
h0 -= ~(h1 ^ h2) + key0;
return h0;