Unknown d97057e3de Updated to static emulating x86 expression
Using updated x86Emulator class from de4dot confuser unpacker
2018-03-24 23:57:08 +01:00

552 lines
21 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using de4dot.blocks;
using de4dot.blocks.cflow;
//using de4dot.code.deobfuscators.ConfuserEx.x86;
using dnlib.DotNet;
using dnlib.DotNet.Writer;
using FieldAttributes = dnlib.DotNet.FieldAttributes;
using MethodAttributes = dnlib.DotNet.MethodAttributes;
using OpCodes = dnlib.DotNet.Emit.OpCodes;
using TypeAttributes = dnlib.DotNet.TypeAttributes;
namespace de4dot.code.deobfuscators.ConfuserEx
public class ConstantDecrypterBase
private readonly InstructionEmulator _instructionEmulator = new InstructionEmulator();
private x86Emulator _nativeEmulator;
//private X86Method _nativeMethod;
public MethodDef Method { get; set; }
public byte[] Decrypted { get; set; }
public uint Magic1 { get; set; }
public uint Magic2 { get; set; }
public bool CanRemove { get; set; } = true;
public ConstantDecrypterBase(x86Emulator nativeEmulator)
_nativeEmulator = nativeEmulator;
// native mode
public MethodDef NativeMethod { get; internal set; }
// normal mode
public uint Num1 { get; internal set; }
public uint Num2 { get; internal set; }
private int? CalculateKey()
var popValue = _instructionEmulator.Peek();
if (popValue == null || !popValue.IsInt32() || !(popValue as Int32Value).AllBitsValid())
return null;
// var result = _nativeMethod.Execute(((Int32Value) popValue).Value);
var result = (int?)_nativeEmulator.Emulate(NativeMethod, ((Int32Value)popValue).Value);
return result;
private uint CalculateMagic(uint index)
uint uint_0;
if (NativeMethod != null)
_instructionEmulator.Push(new Int32Value((int)index));
//_nativeMethod = new X86Method(NativeMethod, Method.Module as ModuleDefMD); //TODO: Possible null
var key = CalculateKey();
uint_0 = (uint)key.Value;
uint_0 = index * Num1 ^ Num2;
uint_0 &= 0x3fffffff;
uint_0 <<= 2;
return uint_0;
public string DecryptString(uint index)
index = CalculateMagic(index);
var count = BitConverter.ToInt32(Decrypted, (int) index);
return string.Intern(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Decrypted, (int) index + 4, count));
public T DecryptConstant<T>(uint index)
index = CalculateMagic(index);
var array = new T[1];
Buffer.BlockCopy(Decrypted, (int) index, array, 0, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T)));
return array[0];
public byte[] DecryptArray(uint index)
index = CalculateMagic(index);
var count = BitConverter.ToInt32(Decrypted, (int) index);
//int lengt = BitConverter.ToInt32(Decrypted, (int)index+4); we actualy dont need that
var buffer = new byte[count - 4];
Buffer.BlockCopy(Decrypted, (int) index + 8, buffer, 0, count - 4);
return buffer;
public class ConstantsDecrypter
private readonly ISimpleDeobfuscator _deobfuscator;
private readonly MethodDef _lzmaMethod;
private readonly ModuleDef _module;
private readonly string[] _strDecryptCalledMethods =
"System.Text.Encoding System.Text.Encoding::get_UTF8()",
"System.String System.Text.Encoding::GetString(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)",
"System.Array System.Array::CreateInstance(System.Type,System.Int32)",
"System.String System.String::Intern(System.String)",
"System.Void System.Buffer::BlockCopy(System.Array,System.Int32,System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32)",
"System.Type System.Type::GetTypeFromHandle(System.RuntimeTypeHandle)",
"System.Type System.Type::GetElementType()"
private byte[] _decryptedBytes;
private FieldDef _decryptedField, _arrayField;
internal TypeDef ArrayType;
private x86Emulator _nativeEmulator;
public ConstantsDecrypter(ModuleDef module, MethodDef lzmaMethod, ISimpleDeobfuscator deobfsucator, x86Emulator nativeEmulator)
_module = module;
_lzmaMethod = lzmaMethod;
_deobfuscator = deobfsucator;
_nativeEmulator = nativeEmulator;
public bool CanRemoveLzma { get; private set; }
public TypeDef Type => ArrayType;
public MethodDef Method { get; private set; }
public List<FieldDef> Fields => new List<FieldDef> {_decryptedField, _arrayField};
public List<ConstantDecrypterBase> Decrypters { get; } = new List<ConstantDecrypterBase>();
public bool Detected => Method != null && _decryptedBytes != null && Decrypters.Count != 0 &&
_decryptedField != null && _arrayField != null;
public void Find()
var moduleCctor = DotNetUtils.GetModuleTypeCctor(_module);
if (moduleCctor == null)
foreach (var inst in moduleCctor.Body.Instructions)
if (inst.OpCode != OpCodes.Call)
if (!(inst.Operand is MethodDef))
var method = (MethodDef) inst.Operand;
if (!method.HasBody || !method.IsStatic)
if (!DotNetUtils.IsMethod(method, "System.Void", "()"))
_deobfuscator.Deobfuscate(method, SimpleDeobfuscatorFlags.Force);
if (!IsStringDecrypterInit(method, out FieldDef aField, out FieldDef dField))
_decryptedBytes = DecryptArray(method, aField.InitialValue);
catch (Exception e)
_arrayField = aField;
_decryptedField = dField;
ArrayType = DotNetUtils.GetType(_module, _arrayField.FieldSig.Type);
Method = method;
CanRemoveLzma = true;
private bool IsStringDecrypterInit(MethodDef method, out FieldDef aField, out FieldDef dField)
aField = null;
dField = null;
var instructions = method.Body.Instructions;
if (instructions.Count < 15)
return false;
if (!instructions[0].IsLdcI4())
return false;
if (!instructions[1].IsStloc()) //uint num = 96u;
return false;
if (!instructions[2].IsLdcI4())
return false;
if (instructions[0].GetLdcI4Value() != instructions[2].GetLdcI4Value())
return false;
if (instructions[3].OpCode != OpCodes.Newarr)
return false;
if (instructions[3].Operand.ToString() != "System.UInt32")
return false;
if (instructions[4].OpCode != OpCodes.Dup)
return false;
if (instructions[5].OpCode != OpCodes.Ldtoken)
return false;
aField = instructions[5].Operand as FieldDef;
if (aField?.InitialValue == null)
return false;
if (aField.Attributes != (FieldAttributes.Assembly | FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.HasFieldRVA))
return false;
if (instructions[6].OpCode != OpCodes.Call)
return false;
if (instructions[6].Operand.ToString() !=
"System.Void System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers::InitializeArray(System.Array,System.RuntimeFieldHandle)"
return false;
if (!instructions[7].IsStloc()) // uint[] array = new uint[] {.....};
return false;
var l = instructions.Count;
if (!instructions[l - 4].IsLdloc())
return false;
if (instructions[l - 3].OpCode != OpCodes.Call)
return false;
if (instructions[l - 3].Operand != _lzmaMethod)
return false;
if (instructions[l - 2].OpCode != OpCodes.Stsfld) //<Module>.byte_0 = <Module>.smethod_0(array4);
return false;
dField = instructions[l - 2].Operand as FieldDef;
if (dField == null)
return false;
return true;
private byte[] DecryptArray(MethodDef method, byte[] encryptedArray)
ModuleDefUser tempModule = new ModuleDefUser("TempModule");
AssemblyDef tempAssembly = new AssemblyDefUser("TempAssembly");
var tempType = new TypeDefUser("", "TempType", tempModule.CorLibTypes.Object.TypeDefOrRef);
tempType.Attributes = TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Class;
MethodDef tempMethod = Utils.Clone(method);
tempMethod.ReturnType = new SZArraySig(tempModule.CorLibTypes.Byte);
tempMethod.MethodSig.Params.Add(new SZArraySig(tempModule.CorLibTypes.Byte));
tempMethod.Attributes = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
tempMethod.Body.Instructions.RemoveAt(2); // read encrypted array from argument
tempMethod.Body.Instructions.Insert(2, OpCodes.Ldarg_0.ToInstruction());
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
tempMethod.Body.Instructions.RemoveAt(tempMethod.Body.Instructions.Count -
2); // make return decrypted array
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
ModuleWriterOptions moduleWriterOptions = new ModuleWriterOptions();
moduleWriterOptions.MetaDataOptions = new MetaDataOptions();
tempModule.Write(memoryStream, moduleWriterOptions);
Assembly patchedAssembly = Assembly.Load(memoryStream.ToArray());
var type = patchedAssembly.ManifestModule.GetType("TempType");
var methods = type.GetMethods();
MethodInfo patchedMethod = methods.First(m => m.IsPublic && m.IsStatic);
byte[] decryptedBytes = (byte[]) patchedMethod.Invoke(null, new object[]{encryptedArray});
return Lzma.Decompress(decryptedBytes);
private IEnumerable<ConstantDecrypterBase> FindStringDecrypters(TypeDef type)
foreach (var method in type.Methods)
if (!method.HasBody)
if (!method.Signature.ContainsGenericParameter)
var sig = method.MethodSig;
if (sig?.Params.Count != 1)
if (sig.Params[0].GetElementType() != ElementType.U4)
if (!(sig.RetType.RemovePinnedAndModifiers() is GenericMVar))
if (sig.GenParamCount != 1)
_deobfuscator.Deobfuscate(method, SimpleDeobfuscatorFlags.Force);
if (IsNativeStringDecrypter(method, out MethodDef nativeMethod))
yield return new ConstantDecrypterBase(_nativeEmulator)
Decrypted = _decryptedBytes,
Method = method,
NativeMethod = nativeMethod
if (IsNormalStringDecrypter(method, out int num1, out int num2))
yield return new ConstantDecrypterBase(_nativeEmulator)
Decrypted = _decryptedBytes,
Method = method,
Num1 = (uint)num1,
Num2 = (uint)num2
private bool IsNormalStringDecrypter(MethodDef method, out int num1, out int num2)
num1 = 0;
num2 = 0;
var instr = method.Body.Instructions;
if (instr.Count < 25)
return false;
var i = 0;
if (!instr[i++].IsLdarg())
return false;
if (!instr[i].IsLdcI4())
return false;
num1 = (int)instr[i++].Operand;
if (instr[i++].OpCode != OpCodes.Mul)
return false;
if (!instr[i].IsLdcI4())
return false;
num2 = (int)instr[i++].Operand;
if (instr[i++].OpCode != OpCodes.Xor)
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsStarg()) //uint_0 = (uint_0 * 2857448701u ^ 1196001109u);
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsLdarg())
return false;
if (!instr[i].IsLdcI4() || instr[i++].GetLdcI4Value() != 0x1E)
return false;
if (instr[i++].OpCode != OpCodes.Shr_Un)
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsStloc()) //uint num = uint_0 >> 30;
return false;
//TODO: Implement
//if (!instr[10].IsLdloca())
// return;
if (instr[i++].OpCode != OpCodes.Initobj)
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsLdarg())
return false;
if (!instr[i].IsLdcI4() || instr[i++].GetLdcI4Value() != 0x3FFFFFFF)
return false;
if (instr[i++].OpCode != OpCodes.And)
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsStarg()) //uint_0 &= 1073741823u;
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsLdarg())
return false;
if (!instr[i].IsLdcI4() || instr[i++].GetLdcI4Value() != 2)
return false;
if (instr[i++].OpCode != OpCodes.Shl)
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsStarg()) //uint_0 <<= 2;
return false;
foreach (var mtd in _strDecryptCalledMethods)
if (!DotNetUtils.CallsMethod(method, mtd))
return false;
//TODO: Implement
//if (!DotNetUtils.LoadsField(method, decryptedField))
// return;
return true;
private bool IsNativeStringDecrypter(MethodDef method, out MethodDef nativeMethod)
nativeMethod = null;
var instr = method.Body.Instructions;
if (instr.Count < 25)
return false;
var i = 0;
if (!instr[i++].IsLdarg())
return false;
if (instr[i].OpCode != OpCodes.Call)
return false;
nativeMethod = instr[i++].Operand as MethodDef;
if (nativeMethod == null || !nativeMethod.IsStatic || !nativeMethod.IsNative)
return false;
if (!DotNetUtils.IsMethod(nativeMethod, "System.Int32", "(System.Int32)"))
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsStarg()) //uint_0 = (uint_0 * 2857448701u ^ 1196001109u);
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsLdarg())
return false;
if (!instr[i].IsLdcI4() || instr[i++].GetLdcI4Value() != 0x1E)
return false;
if (instr[i++].OpCode != OpCodes.Shr_Un)
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsStloc()) //uint num = uint_0 >> 30;
return false;
//TODO: Implement
//if (!instr[10].IsLdloca())
// return;
if (instr[i++].OpCode != OpCodes.Initobj)
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsLdarg())
return false;
if (!instr[i].IsLdcI4() || instr[i++].GetLdcI4Value() != 0x3FFFFFFF)
return false;
if (instr[i++].OpCode != OpCodes.And)
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsStarg()) //uint_0 &= 1073741823u;
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsLdarg())
return false;
if (!instr[i].IsLdcI4() || instr[i++].GetLdcI4Value() != 2)
return false;
if (instr[i++].OpCode != OpCodes.Shl)
return false;
if (!instr[i++].IsStarg()) //uint_0 <<= 2;
return false;
foreach (var mtd in _strDecryptCalledMethods)
if (!DotNetUtils.CallsMethod(method, mtd))
return false;
//TODO: Implement
//if (!DotNetUtils.LoadsField(method, decryptedField))
// return;
return true;
private static bool VerifyGenericArg(MethodSpec gim, ElementType etype)
var gims = gim?.GenericInstMethodSig;
if (gims == null || gims.GenericArguments.Count != 1)
return false;
return gims.GenericArguments[0].GetElementType() == etype;
public string DecryptString(ConstantDecrypterBase info, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1)
if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.String))
return null;
return info.DecryptString(magic1);
public object DecryptSByte(ConstantDecrypterBase info, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1)
if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.I1))
return null;
return info.DecryptConstant<sbyte>(magic1);
public object DecryptByte(ConstantDecrypterBase info, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1)
if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.U1))
return null;
return info.DecryptConstant<byte>(magic1);
public object DecryptInt16(ConstantDecrypterBase info, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1)
if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.I2))
return null;
return info.DecryptConstant<short>(magic1);
public object DecryptUInt16(ConstantDecrypterBase info, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1)
if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.U2))
return null;
return info.DecryptConstant<ushort>(magic1);
public object DecryptInt32(ConstantDecrypterBase info, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1)
if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.I4))
return null;
return info.DecryptConstant<int>(magic1);
public object DecryptUInt32(ConstantDecrypterBase info, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1)
if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.U4))
return null;
return info.DecryptConstant<uint>(magic1);
public object DecryptInt64(ConstantDecrypterBase info, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1)
if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.I8))
return null;
return info.DecryptConstant<long>(magic1);
public object DecryptUInt64(ConstantDecrypterBase info, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1)
if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.U8))
return null;
return info.DecryptConstant<ulong>(magic1);
public object DecryptSingle(ConstantDecrypterBase info, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1)
if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.R4))
return null;
return info.DecryptConstant<float>(magic1);
public object DecryptDouble(ConstantDecrypterBase info, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1)
if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.R8))
return null;
return info.DecryptConstant<double>(magic1);
public object DecryptArray(ConstantDecrypterBase info, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1)
if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.SZArray))
return null;
return info.DecryptArray(magic1);