2012-11-05 19:21:33 +01:00

222 lines
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This file is part of de4dot.
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using dot10.DotNet;
using de4dot.blocks;
namespace AssemblyData.methodsrewriter {
static class Resolver {
static Dictionary<string, AssemblyResolver> assemblyResolvers = new Dictionary<string, AssemblyResolver>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
static Dictionary<Module, MModule> modules = new Dictionary<Module, MModule>();
public static MModule loadAssembly(Module module) {
MModule info;
if (modules.TryGetValue(module, out info))
return info;
info = new MModule(module, ModuleDefMD.Load(module.FullyQualifiedName));
modules[module] = info;
return info;
static MModule getModule(ModuleDef moduleDef) {
foreach (var mm in modules.Values) {
if (mm.moduleDef == moduleDef)
return mm;
return null;
static MModule getModule(AssemblyRef asmRef) {
foreach (var mm in modules.Values) {
var asm = mm.moduleDef.Assembly;
if (asm != null && asm.FullName == asmRef.FullName)
return mm;
return null;
public static MModule getModule(IScope scope) {
if (scope.ScopeType == ScopeType.ModuleDef)
return getModule((ModuleDef)scope);
else if (scope.ScopeType == ScopeType.AssemblyRef)
return getModule((AssemblyRef)scope);
return null;
public static MType getType(IType typeRef) {
if (typeRef == null)
return null;
var module = getModule(typeRef.Scope);
if (module != null)
return module.getType(typeRef);
return null;
public static MMethod getMethod(IMethod methodReference) {
if (methodReference == null)
return null;
var module = getModule(methodReference.DeclaringType.Scope);
if (module != null)
return module.getMethod(methodReference);
return null;
public static MField getField(IField fieldReference) {
if (fieldReference == null)
return null;
var module = getModule(fieldReference.DeclaringType.Scope);
if (module != null)
return module.getField(fieldReference);
return null;
public static object getRtObject(ITokenOperand memberRef) {
if (memberRef == null)
return null;
var tdr = memberRef as ITypeDefOrRef;
if (tdr != null)
return getRtType(tdr);
var field = memberRef as IField;
if (field != null && field.FieldSig != null)
return getRtField(field);
var method = memberRef as IMethod;
if (method != null && method.MethodSig != null)
return getRtMethod(method);
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Unknown MemberReference: {0}", memberRef));
public static Type getRtType(IType typeRef) {
var mtype = getType(typeRef);
if (mtype != null)
return mtype.type;
return Resolver.resolve(typeRef);
public static FieldInfo getRtField(IField fieldRef) {
var mfield = getField(fieldRef);
if (mfield != null)
return mfield.fieldInfo;
return Resolver.resolve(fieldRef);
public static MethodBase getRtMethod(IMethod methodRef) {
var mmethod = getMethod(methodRef);
if (mmethod != null)
return mmethod.methodBase;
return Resolver.resolve(methodRef);
static AssemblyResolver getAssemblyResolver(ITypeDefOrRef type) {
var asmName = type.DefinitionAssembly.FullName;
AssemblyResolver resolver;
if (!assemblyResolvers.TryGetValue(asmName, out resolver))
assemblyResolvers[asmName] = resolver = new AssemblyResolver(asmName);
return resolver;
static Type resolve(IType typeRef) {
if (typeRef == null)
return null;
var scopeType = typeRef.ScopeType;
var resolver = getAssemblyResolver(scopeType);
var resolvedType = resolver.resolve(scopeType);
if (resolvedType != null)
return fixType(typeRef, resolvedType);
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Could not resolve type {0} ({1:X8}) in assembly {2}", typeRef, typeRef.MDToken.Raw, resolver));
static FieldInfo resolve(IField fieldRef) {
if (fieldRef == null)
return null;
var resolver = getAssemblyResolver(fieldRef.DeclaringType);
var fieldInfo = resolver.resolve(fieldRef);
if (fieldInfo != null)
return fieldInfo;
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Could not resolve field {0} ({1:X8}) in assembly {2}", fieldRef, fieldRef.MDToken.Raw, resolver));
static MethodBase resolve(IMethod methodRef) {
if (methodRef == null)
return null;
var resolver = getAssemblyResolver(methodRef.DeclaringType);
var methodBase = resolver.resolve(methodRef);
if (methodBase != null)
return methodBase;
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Could not resolve method {0} ({1:X8}) in assembly {2}", methodRef, methodRef.MDToken.Raw, resolver));
static Type fixType(IType typeRef, Type type) {
var sig = typeRef as TypeSig;
if (sig == null) {
var ts = typeRef as TypeSpec;
if (ts != null)
sig = ts.TypeSig;
while (sig != null) {
switch (sig.ElementType) {
case ElementType.SZArray:
type = type.MakeArrayType();
case ElementType.Array:
type = type.MakeArrayType((int)((ArraySig)sig).Rank);
case ElementType.ByRef:
type = type.MakeByRefType();
case ElementType.Ptr:
type = type.MakePointerType();
case ElementType.GenericInst:
var git = (GenericInstSig)sig;
var args = new Type[git.GenericArguments.Count];
bool isGenericTypeDef = true;
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) {
var arg = git.GenericArguments[i];
if (!(arg is GenericSig))
isGenericTypeDef = false;
args[i] = Resolver.resolve(arg);
if (!isGenericTypeDef)
type = type.MakeGenericType(args);
sig = sig.Next;
return type;