/* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 de4dot@gmail.com This file is part of de4dot. de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with de4dot. If not, see . */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using dot10.DotNet; using dot10.DotNet.Emit; using de4dot.blocks; namespace de4dot.code.deobfuscators.Confuser { class ResourceDecrypter : IVersionProvider { ModuleDefMD module; ISimpleDeobfuscator simpleDeobfuscator; MethodDef handler; MethodDef installMethod; EmbeddedResource resource; Dictionary fields = new Dictionary(); byte key0, key1; ConfuserVersion version = ConfuserVersion.Unknown; enum ConfuserVersion { Unknown, v14_r55802, v17_r73404, v17_r73822, v18_r75367, v18_r75369, } public IEnumerable Fields { get { return fields.Keys; } } public MethodDef Handler { get { return handler; } } public bool Detected { get { return handler != null; } } public ResourceDecrypter(ModuleDefMD module, ISimpleDeobfuscator simpleDeobfuscator) { this.module = module; this.simpleDeobfuscator = simpleDeobfuscator; } public void find() { if (checkMethod(DotNetUtils.getModuleTypeCctor(module))) return; } bool checkMethod(MethodDef method) { if (method == null || method.Body == null) return false; if (!DotNetUtils.callsMethod(method, "System.Void System.AppDomain::add_ResourceResolve(System.ResolveEventHandler)")) return false; simpleDeobfuscator.deobfuscate(method, true); fields.Clear(); var tmpHandler = getHandler(method); if (tmpHandler == null || tmpHandler.DeclaringType != method.DeclaringType) return false; var tmpResource = findResource(tmpHandler); if (tmpResource == null) return false; simpleDeobfuscator.deobfuscate(tmpHandler, true); ConfuserVersion tmpVersion = ConfuserVersion.Unknown; if (DotNetUtils.callsMethod(tmpHandler, "System.Object System.AppDomain::GetData(System.String)")) { if (!DotNetUtils.callsMethod(tmpHandler, "System.Void System.Buffer::BlockCopy(System.Array,System.Int32,System.Array,System.Int32,System.Int32)")) { if (!findKey0Key1_v14_r55802(tmpHandler, out key0, out key1)) return false; tmpVersion = ConfuserVersion.v14_r55802; } else if (findKey0_v17_r73404(tmpHandler, out key0) && findKey1_v17_r73404(tmpHandler, out key1)) tmpVersion = ConfuserVersion.v17_r73404; else return false; } else { if (addFields(findFields(tmpHandler, method.DeclaringType)) != 1) return false; if (findKey0_v17_r73404(tmpHandler, out key0) && findKey1_v17_r73404(tmpHandler, out key1)) tmpVersion = ConfuserVersion.v17_r73822; else if (findKey0_v18_r75367(tmpHandler, out key0) && findKey1_v17_r73404(tmpHandler, out key1)) tmpVersion = ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367; else if (findKey0_v18_r75369(tmpHandler, out key0) && findKey1_v18_r75369(tmpHandler, out key1)) tmpVersion = ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369; else return false; } handler = tmpHandler; resource = tmpResource; installMethod = method; version = tmpVersion; return true; } static MethodDef getHandler(MethodDef method) { var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 2; i++) { var ldftn = instrs[i]; if (ldftn.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldftn) continue; var handler = ldftn.Operand as MethodDef; if (handler == null) continue; var newobj = instrs[i + 1]; if (newobj.OpCode.Code != Code.Newobj) continue; var callvirt = instrs[i + 2]; if (callvirt.OpCode.Code != Code.Callvirt) continue; var calledMethod = callvirt.Operand as IMethod; if (calledMethod == null) continue; if (calledMethod.FullName != "System.Void System.AppDomain::add_ResourceResolve(System.ResolveEventHandler)") continue; return handler; } return null; } int addFields(IEnumerable moreFields) { int count = 0; foreach (var field in moreFields) { if (addField(field)) count++; } return count; } bool addField(FieldDef field) { if (field == null) return false; if (fields.ContainsKey(field)) return false; fields[field] = true; return true; } static IEnumerable findFields(MethodDef method, TypeDef declaringType) { var fields = new List(); foreach (var instr in method.Body.Instructions) { var field = instr.Operand as FieldDef; if (field != null && field.DeclaringType == declaringType) fields.Add(field); } return fields; } EmbeddedResource findResource(MethodDef method) { return DotNetUtils.getResource(module, DotNetUtils.getCodeStrings(method)) as EmbeddedResource; } static bool findKey0_v18_r75367(MethodDef method, out byte key0) { var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count; i++) { i = ConfuserUtils.findCallMethod(instrs, i, Code.Callvirt, "System.Int32 System.IO.Stream::Read(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)"); if (i < 0) break; if (i + 3 >= instrs.Count) break; if (instrs[i + 1].OpCode.Code != Code.Pop) continue; var ldci4 = instrs[i + 2]; if (!ldci4.IsLdcI4()) continue; if (!instrs[i + 3].IsStloc()) continue; key0 = (byte)ldci4.GetLdcI4Value(); return true; } key0 = 0; return false; } static bool findKey0_v18_r75369(MethodDef method, out byte key0) { var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int index = 0; index < instrs.Count; index++) { index = ConfuserUtils.findCallMethod(instrs, index, Code.Callvirt, "System.Int32 System.IO.Stream::Read(System.Byte[],System.Int32,System.Int32)"); if (index < 0) break; if (index + 4 >= instrs.Count) break; index++; if (instrs[index++].OpCode.Code != Code.Pop) continue; var ldci4 = instrs[index++]; if (!ldci4.IsLdcI4()) continue; if (instrs[index++].OpCode.Code != Code.Conv_U1) continue; if (!instrs[index++].IsStloc()) continue; key0 = (byte)ldci4.GetLdcI4Value(); return true; } key0 = 0; return false; } static bool findKey1_v18_r75369(MethodDef method, out byte key1) { var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 4; i++) { int index = i; if (!instrs[index++].IsLdloc()) continue; var ldci4_1 = instrs[index++]; if (!ldci4_1.IsLdcI4()) continue; if (instrs[index++].OpCode.Code != Code.Mul) continue; var ldci4_2 = instrs[index++]; if (!ldci4_2.IsLdcI4() || ldci4_2.GetLdcI4Value() != 0x100) continue; if (instrs[index++].OpCode.Code != Code.Rem) continue; key1 = (byte)ldci4_1.GetLdcI4Value(); return true; } key1 = 0; return false; } static bool findKey0Key1_v14_r55802(MethodDef method, out byte key0, out byte key1) { var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 5; i++) { if (!instrs[i].IsLdcI4()) continue; if (instrs[i + 1].OpCode.Code != Code.Add) continue; if (instrs[i + 2].OpCode.Code != Code.Ldelem_U1) continue; var ldci4_1 = instrs[i + 3]; if (!ldci4_1.IsLdcI4()) continue; if (instrs[i + 4].OpCode.Code != Code.Xor) continue; var ldci4_2 = instrs[i + 5]; if (!ldci4_2.IsLdcI4()) continue; key0 = (byte)ldci4_1.GetLdcI4Value(); key1 = (byte)ldci4_2.GetLdcI4Value(); return true; } key0 = 0; key1 = 0; return false; } static bool findKey0_v17_r73404(MethodDef method, out byte key) { var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 3; i++) { int index = ConfuserUtils.findCallMethod(instrs, i, Code.Callvirt, "System.Byte[] System.IO.BinaryReader::ReadBytes(System.Int32)"); if (index < 0) break; if (index + 3 >= instrs.Count) break; if (!instrs[index + 1].IsStloc()) continue; var ldci4 = instrs[index + 2]; if (!ldci4.IsLdcI4()) continue; if (!instrs[index + 3].IsStloc()) continue; key = (byte)ldci4.GetLdcI4Value(); return true; } key = 0; return false; } static bool findKey1_v17_r73404(MethodDef method, out byte key) { var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 3; i++) { var ldci4_1 = instrs[i]; if (!ldci4_1.IsLdcI4()) continue; if (instrs[i + 1].OpCode.Code != Code.Mul) continue; var ldci4_2 = instrs[i + 2]; if (!ldci4_2.IsLdcI4() || ldci4_2.GetLdcI4Value() != 0x100) continue; if (instrs[i + 3].OpCode.Code != Code.Rem) continue; key = (byte)ldci4_1.GetLdcI4Value(); return true; } key = 0; return false; } public EmbeddedResource mergeResources() { if (resource == null) return null; DeobUtils.decryptAndAddResources(module, resource.Name.String, () => decryptResource()); var tmpResource = resource; resource = null; return tmpResource; } byte[] decryptResource() { switch (version) { case ConfuserVersion.v14_r55802: return decrypt_v14_r55802(); case ConfuserVersion.v17_r73404: return decrypt_v17_r73404(); case ConfuserVersion.v17_r73822: return decrypt_v17_r73404(); case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367: return decrypt_v18_r75367(); case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369: return decrypt_v18_r75367(); default: throw new ApplicationException("Unknown version"); } } byte[] decrypt_v14_r55802() { var reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(DeobUtils.inflate(resource.GetResourceData(), true))); var encypted = reader.ReadBytes(reader.ReadInt32()); if ((encypted.Length & 1) != 0) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid resource data length"); var decrypted = new byte[encypted.Length / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < decrypted.Length; i++) decrypted[i] = (byte)((encypted[i * 2 + 1] ^ key0) * key1 + (encypted[i * 2] ^ key0)); reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(DeobUtils.inflate(decrypted, true))); return reader.ReadBytes(reader.ReadInt32()); } byte[] decrypt_v17_r73404() { var reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(DeobUtils.inflate(resource.GetResourceData(), true))); var decrypted = reader.ReadBytes(reader.ReadInt32()); byte k = key0; for (int i = 0; i < decrypted.Length; i++) { decrypted[i] ^= k; k *= key1; } return decrypted; } byte[] decrypt_v18_r75367() { var encrypted = resource.GetResourceData(); byte k = key0; for (int i = 0; i < encrypted.Length; i++) { encrypted[i] ^= k; k *= key1; } var reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(DeobUtils.inflate(encrypted, true))); return reader.ReadBytes(reader.ReadInt32()); } public void deobfuscate(Blocks blocks) { if (blocks.Method != installMethod) return; ConfuserUtils.removeResourceHookCode(blocks, handler); } public bool getRevisionRange(out int minRev, out int maxRev) { switch (version) { case ConfuserVersion.Unknown: minRev = maxRev = 0; return false; case ConfuserVersion.v14_r55802: minRev = 55802; maxRev = 72989; return true; case ConfuserVersion.v17_r73404: minRev = 73404; maxRev = 73791; return true; case ConfuserVersion.v17_r73822: minRev = 73822; maxRev = 75349; return true; case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367: minRev = 75367; maxRev = 75367; return true; case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369: minRev = 75369; maxRev = int.MaxValue; return true; default: throw new ApplicationException("Invalid version"); } } } }