/* Copyright (C) 2011 de4dot@gmail.com This file is part of de4dot. de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with de4dot. If not, see . */ using System; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Security.Cryptography; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; using de4dot.blocks; namespace de4dot.deobfuscators.dotNET_Reactor { class StringDecrypter { ModuleDefinition module; EncryptedResource encryptedResource; List decrypterInfos = new List(); MethodDefinition otherStringDecrypter; byte[] decryptedData; PE.PeImage peImage; byte[] fileData; StringDecrypterVersion stringDecrypterVersion; enum StringDecrypterVersion { UNKNOWN = 0, VER_37, // 3.7- VER_38, // 3.8+ } public class DecrypterInfo { public MethodDefinition method; public byte[] key; public byte[] iv; public DecrypterInfo(MethodDefinition method, byte[] key, byte[] iv) { this.method = method; this.key = key; this.iv = iv; } } public bool Detected { get { return encryptedResource.ResourceDecrypterMethod != null; } } public EmbeddedResource StringsResource { get { return encryptedResource.EncryptedDataResource; } } public IEnumerable DecrypterInfos { get { return decrypterInfos; } } public MethodDefinition OtherStringDecrypter { get { return otherStringDecrypter; } } public StringDecrypter(ModuleDefinition module) { this.module = module; this.encryptedResource = new EncryptedResource(module); } public StringDecrypter(ModuleDefinition module, StringDecrypter oldOne) { this.module = module; this.stringDecrypterVersion = oldOne.stringDecrypterVersion; this.encryptedResource = new EncryptedResource(module, oldOne.encryptedResource); foreach (var oldInfo in oldOne.decrypterInfos) { var method = module.LookupToken(oldInfo.method.MetadataToken.ToInt32()) as MethodDefinition; if (method == null) throw new ApplicationException("Could not find string decrypter method"); decrypterInfos.Add(new DecrypterInfo(method, oldInfo.key, oldInfo.iv)); } if (oldOne.otherStringDecrypter != null) { otherStringDecrypter = module.LookupToken(oldOne.otherStringDecrypter.MetadataToken.ToInt32()) as MethodDefinition; if (otherStringDecrypter == null) throw new ApplicationException("Could not find string decrypter method"); } } public void find(ISimpleDeobfuscator simpleDeobfuscator) { var additionalTypes = new string[] { "System.String", }; EmbeddedResource stringsResource = null; foreach (var type in module.Types) { if (decrypterInfos.Count > 0) break; if (type.BaseType == null || type.BaseType.FullName != "System.Object") continue; foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (!method.IsStatic || !method.HasBody) continue; if (!DotNetUtils.isMethod(method, "System.String", "(System.Int32)")) continue; if (!encryptedResource.couldBeResourceDecrypter(method, additionalTypes)) continue; var resource = DotNetUtils.getResource(module, DotNetUtils.getCodeStrings(method)) as EmbeddedResource; if (resource == null) throw new ApplicationException("Could not find strings resource"); if (stringsResource != null && stringsResource != resource) throw new ApplicationException("Two different string resources found"); stringsResource = resource; encryptedResource.ResourceDecrypterMethod = method; var info = new DecrypterInfo(method, null, null); simpleDeobfuscator.deobfuscate(info.method); findKeyIv(info.method, out info.key, out info.iv); decrypterInfos.Add(info); } } if (decrypterInfos.Count > 0) findOtherStringDecrypter(decrypterInfos[0].method.DeclaringType); } void findOtherStringDecrypter(TypeDefinition type) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (!method.IsStatic || !method.HasBody) continue; if (method.MethodReturnType.ReturnType.FullName != "System.String") continue; if (method.Parameters.Count != 1) continue; if (method.Parameters[0].ParameterType.FullName != "System.Object" && method.Parameters[0].ParameterType.FullName != "System.String") continue; otherStringDecrypter = method; return; } } public void init(PE.PeImage peImage, byte[] fileData, ISimpleDeobfuscator simpleDeobfuscator) { if (encryptedResource.ResourceDecrypterMethod == null) return; this.peImage = peImage; this.fileData = fileData; encryptedResource.init(simpleDeobfuscator); if (encryptedResource.EncryptedDataResource != null) Log.v("Adding string decrypter. Resource: {0}", Utils.toCsharpString(encryptedResource.EncryptedDataResource.Name)); decryptedData = encryptedResource.decrypt(); } void findKeyIv(MethodDefinition method, out byte[] key, out byte[] iv) { key = null; iv = null; var requiredTypes = new string[] { "System.Byte[]", "System.IO.MemoryStream", "System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream", "System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael", }; foreach (var info in DotNetUtils.getCalledMethods(module, method)) { var calledMethod = info.Item2; if (calledMethod.DeclaringType != method.DeclaringType) continue; if (calledMethod.MethodReturnType.ReturnType.FullName != "System.Byte[]") continue; var localTypes = new LocalTypes(calledMethod); if (!localTypes.all(requiredTypes)) continue; var instructions = calledMethod.Body.Instructions; byte[] newKey = null, newIv = null; for (int i = 0; i < instructions.Count && (newKey == null || newIv == null); i++) { var instr = instructions[i]; if (instr.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldtoken) continue; var field = instr.Operand as FieldDefinition; if (field == null) continue; if (field.InitialValue == null) continue; if (field.InitialValue.Length == 32) newKey = field.InitialValue; else if (field.InitialValue.Length == 16) newIv = field.InitialValue; } if (newKey == null || newIv == null) continue; initializeStringDecrypterVersion(method); key = newKey; iv = newIv; return; } } void initializeStringDecrypterVersion(MethodDefinition method) { var localTypes = new LocalTypes(method); if (localTypes.exists("System.IntPtr")) stringDecrypterVersion = StringDecrypterVersion.VER_38; else stringDecrypterVersion = StringDecrypterVersion.VER_37; } DecrypterInfo getDecrypterInfo(MethodDefinition method) { foreach (var info in decrypterInfos) { if (info.method == method) return info; } throw new ApplicationException("Invalid string decrypter method"); } public string decrypt(MethodDefinition method, int offset) { var info = getDecrypterInfo(method); if (info.key == null) { int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(decryptedData, offset); return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(decryptedData, offset + 4, length); } else { byte[] encryptedStringData; if (stringDecrypterVersion == StringDecrypterVersion.VER_37) { int fileOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(decryptedData, offset); int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(fileData, fileOffset); encryptedStringData = new byte[length]; Array.Copy(fileData, fileOffset + 4, encryptedStringData, 0, length); } else if (stringDecrypterVersion == StringDecrypterVersion.VER_38) { uint rva = BitConverter.ToUInt32(decryptedData, offset); int length = peImage.readInt32(rva); encryptedStringData = peImage.readBytes(rva + 4, length); } else throw new ApplicationException("Unknown string decrypter version"); byte[] decryptedStringData; using (var aes = new RijndaelManaged { Mode = CipherMode.CBC }) { using (var transform = aes.CreateDecryptor(info.key, info.iv)) { decryptedStringData = transform.TransformFinalBlock(encryptedStringData, 0, encryptedStringData.Length); } } return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(decryptedStringData); } } public string decrypt(string s) { return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(s)); } } }