/* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 de4dot@gmail.com This file is part of de4dot. de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with de4dot. If not, see . */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; using Mono.Cecil.Metadata; using de4dot.blocks; namespace de4dot.code.deobfuscators.DeepSea { // DS 4.x can move fields from a class to a struct. This class restores the fields. class FieldsRestorer { ModuleDefinition module; TypeDefinitionDict> structToOwners = new TypeDefinitionDict>(); FieldDefinitionAndDeclaringTypeDict structFieldsToFix = new FieldDefinitionAndDeclaringTypeDict(); TypeDefinitionDict> typeToFieldsDict = new TypeDefinitionDict>(); public List FieldStructs { get { var list = new List(structToOwners.Count); foreach (var structType in structToOwners.getKeys()) { if (!hasNoMethods(structType)) continue; list.Add(structType); } return list; } } static bool hasNoMethods(TypeDefinition type) { if (type.Methods.Count == 0) return true; if (type.BaseType == null) return false; if (type.BaseType.EType != ElementType.Object) return false; if (type.Methods.Count != 1) return false; var ctor = type.Methods[0]; if (ctor.Name != ".ctor" || ctor.Parameters.Count != 0) return false; return true; } public FieldsRestorer(ModuleDefinition module) { this.module = module; } public void initialize() { foreach (var kv in getMovedTypes()) { var structType = kv.Key; structToOwners.add(structType, kv.Value); foreach (var ownerType in kv.Value) { foreach (var ownerField in ownerType.Fields) { if (DotNetUtils.getType(module, ownerField.FieldType) != structType) continue; structFieldsToFix.add(ownerField, true); break; } var fieldsDict = new FieldDefinitionAndDeclaringTypeDict(); typeToFieldsDict.add(ownerType, fieldsDict); foreach (var structField in structType.Fields) { var newField = DotNetUtils.createFieldDefinition(structField.Name, structField.Attributes, structField.FieldType); ownerType.Fields.Add(newField); fieldsDict.add(structField, newField); } } } } Dictionary> getMovedTypes() { var candidates = new Dictionary>(); var typeToStruct = new Dictionary(); foreach (var type in module.GetTypes()) { foreach (var field in getPossibleFields(type)) { var fieldType = DotNetUtils.getType(module, field.FieldType); if (fieldType == null) continue; if (!checkBaseType(fieldType)) continue; if ((fieldType.Attributes & ~TypeAttributes.Sealed) != TypeAttributes.NestedAssembly) continue; if (fieldType.NestedTypes.Count > 0) continue; if (fieldType.GenericParameters.Count > 0) continue; if (fieldType.Fields.Count == 0) continue; if (fieldType.HasEvents || fieldType.HasProperties || fieldType.HasInterfaces) continue; if (checkMethods(fieldType)) continue; if (!checkFields(fieldType)) continue; List list; if (!candidates.TryGetValue(fieldType, out list)) candidates[fieldType] = list = new List(); list.Add(type); typeToStruct[type] = fieldType; break; } } foreach (var type in module.GetTypes()) { TypeDefinition structType; typeToStruct.TryGetValue(type, out structType); foreach (var field in type.Fields) { if (field.IsStatic || field.FieldType != structType) removeType(candidates, field.FieldType); } foreach (var method in type.Methods) { removeType(candidates, method.MethodReturnType.ReturnType); foreach (var parameter in method.Parameters) removeType(candidates, parameter.ParameterType); if (method.Body != null) { foreach (var local in method.Body.Variables) removeType(candidates, local.VariableType); } } } return candidates; } IEnumerable getPossibleFields(TypeDefinition type) { var typeToFields = new TypeDefinitionDict>(); foreach (var field in type.Fields) { if (field.Attributes != FieldAttributes.Private) continue; var fieldType = DotNetUtils.getType(module, field.FieldType); if (fieldType == null) continue; if (!checkBaseType(fieldType)) continue; var list = typeToFields.find(fieldType); if (list == null) typeToFields.add(fieldType, list = new List()); list.Add(field); } foreach (var list in typeToFields.getValues()) { if (list.Count == 1) yield return list[0]; } } static bool checkBaseType(TypeDefinition type) { if (type == null || type.BaseType == null) return false; return type.BaseType.FullName == "System.ValueType" || type.BaseType.EType == ElementType.Object; } void removeType(Dictionary> candidates, TypeReference type) { var typeDef = DotNetUtils.getType(module, type); if (typeDef == null) return; candidates.Remove(typeDef); } static bool checkMethods(TypeDefinition type) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (method.Name == ".cctor") continue; if (type.BaseType != null && type.BaseType.EType == ElementType.Object && method.Name == ".ctor" && method.Parameters.Count == 0) continue; if (!method.IsStatic) return true; if (method.GenericParameters.Count > 0) return true; if (method.Body == null) return true; if (method.HasPInvokeInfo || method.PInvokeInfo != null) return true; } return false; } static bool checkFields(TypeDefinition type) { if (type.Fields.Count == 0) return false; foreach (var field in type.Fields) { if (field.IsStatic) return false; if (!field.IsAssembly) return false; } return true; } public void deobfuscate(Blocks blocks) { deobfuscateNormal(blocks); fixFieldCtorCalls(blocks); } void deobfuscateNormal(Blocks blocks) { var instrsToRemove = new List(); foreach (var block in blocks.MethodBlocks.getAllBlocks()) { instrsToRemove.Clear(); var instrs = block.Instructions; for (int i = instrs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var instr = instrs[i]; if (instr.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldflda && instr.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldfld) continue; var structField = instr.Operand as FieldReference; if (structField == null || !structFieldsToFix.find(structField)) continue; var ldStFld = instrs[findLdStFieldIndex(instrs, i + 1)]; ldStFld.Operand = getNewField(structField, ldStFld.Operand as FieldReference); instrsToRemove.Add(i); } if (instrsToRemove.Count > 0) block.remove(instrsToRemove); } } void fixFieldCtorCalls(Blocks blocks) { if (blocks.Method.Name != ".ctor") return; var instrsToRemove = new List(); foreach (var block in blocks.MethodBlocks.getAllBlocks()) { var instrs = block.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count; i++) { var stfld = instrs[i]; if (stfld.OpCode.Code != Code.Stfld) continue; var field = stfld.Operand as FieldReference; if (field == null) continue; if (!structFieldsToFix.find(field)) continue; var instrs2 = toInstructionList(instrs); var instrPushes = DotNetUtils.getArgPushes(instrs2, i); if (instrPushes == null || instrPushes.Count != 2) continue; block.remove(i, 1); block.remove(instrs2.IndexOf(instrPushes[1]), 1); block.remove(instrs2.IndexOf(instrPushes[0]), 1); i -= 3; } } } static IList toInstructionList(IEnumerable instrs) { var newInstrs = new List(); foreach (var instr in instrs) newInstrs.Add(instr.Instruction); return newInstrs; } FieldDefinition getNewField(FieldReference structField, FieldReference oldFieldRef) { var fieldsDict = typeToFieldsDict.find(structField.DeclaringType); if (fieldsDict == null) throw new ApplicationException("Could not find structField declaringType"); var newField = fieldsDict.find(oldFieldRef); if (newField == null) throw new ApplicationException("Could not find new field"); return newField; } static int findLdStFieldIndex(IList instrs, int index) { int stack = 0; for (int i = index; i < instrs.Count; i++) { var instr = instrs[i]; if (stack == 0 && (instr.OpCode.Code == Code.Ldfld || instr.OpCode.Code == Code.Ldflda)) return i; if (stack == 1 && instr.OpCode.Code == Code.Stfld) return i; int pushes, pops; DotNetUtils.calculateStackUsage(instr.Instruction, false, out pushes, out pops); stack -= pops; if (stack < 0) break; stack += pushes; } throw new ApplicationException("Could not find ldfld/stfld"); } public void cleanUp() { foreach (var field in structFieldsToFix.getKeys()) field.DeclaringType.Fields.Remove(field); } } }