/* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 de4dot@gmail.com This file is part of de4dot. de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with de4dot. If not, see . */ using System; using System.IO; namespace de4dot.PE { public class PeImage { BinaryReader reader; BinaryWriter writer; FileHeader fileHeader; OptionalHeader optionalHeader; SectionHeader[] sectionHeaders; Cor20Header cor20Header; SectionHeader dotNetSection; Resources resources; public BinaryReader Reader { get { return reader; } } public uint ImageLength { get { return (uint)reader.BaseStream.Length; } } public Cor20Header Cor20Header { get { return cor20Header; } } public Resources Resources { get { return resources; } } public SectionHeader[] Sections { get { return sectionHeaders; } } public uint FileHeaderOffset { get { return fileHeader.Offset; } } public PeImage(byte[] data) : this(new MemoryStream(data)) { } public PeImage(Stream stream) { reader = new BinaryReader(stream); if (stream.CanWrite) writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); init(); } void seek(uint position) { reader.BaseStream.Position = position; } void seekRva(uint rva) { seek(rvaToOffset(rva)); } void skip(int bytes) { reader.BaseStream.Position += bytes; } void init() { seek(0); if (reader.ReadUInt16() != 0x5A4D) throw new BadImageFormatException("Not a PE file"); skip(29 * 2); seek(reader.ReadUInt32()); if (reader.ReadUInt32() != 0x4550) throw new BadImageFormatException("Not a PE file"); fileHeader = new FileHeader(reader); optionalHeader = new OptionalHeader(reader); sectionHeaders = new SectionHeader[fileHeader.numberOfSections]; for (int i = 0; i < sectionHeaders.Length; i++) sectionHeaders[i] = new SectionHeader(reader); uint netRva = optionalHeader.dataDirectories[14].virtualAddress; if (netRva != 0) { seekRva(netRva); cor20Header = new Cor20Header(reader); dotNetSection = getSectionHeaderRva(netRva); seekRva(cor20Header.metadataDirectory.virtualAddress); cor20Header.initMetadataTable(); } uint resourceRva = optionalHeader.dataDirectories[2].virtualAddress; uint resourceOffset = 0; if (resourceRva != 0) resourceOffset = rvaToOffset(resourceRva); resources = new Resources(reader, resourceOffset, optionalHeader.dataDirectories[2].size); } SectionHeader getSectionHeaderRva(uint rva) { for (int i = 0; i < sectionHeaders.Length; i++) { var section = sectionHeaders[i]; if (section.virtualAddress <= rva && rva < section.virtualAddress + Math.Max(section.virtualSize, section.sizeOfRawData)) return section; } return null; } SectionHeader getSectionHeaderOffset(uint offset) { for (int i = 0; i < sectionHeaders.Length; i++) { var section = sectionHeaders[i]; if (section.pointerToRawData <= offset && offset < section.pointerToRawData + section.sizeOfRawData) return section; } return null; } public uint rvaToOffset(uint rva) { var section = getSectionHeaderRva(rva); if (section == null) throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid RVA {0:X8}", rva)); return rva - section.virtualAddress + section.pointerToRawData; } public uint offsetToRva(uint offset) { var section = getSectionHeaderOffset(offset); if (section == null) throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid offset {0:X8}", offset)); return offset - section.pointerToRawData + section.virtualAddress; } bool intersect(uint offset1, uint length1, uint offset2, uint length2) { return !(offset1 + length1 <= offset2 || offset2 + length2 <= offset1); } bool intersect(uint offset, uint length, IFileLocation location) { return intersect(offset, length, location.Offset, location.Length); } public bool dotNetSafeWriteOffset(uint offset, byte[] data) { if (cor20Header != null) { uint length = (uint)data.Length; if (!dotNetSection.isInside(offset, length)) return false; if (intersect(offset, length, cor20Header)) return false; if (intersect(offset, length, cor20Header.MetadataOffset, cor20Header.MetadataHeaderLength)) return false; } offsetWrite(offset, data); return true; } public bool dotNetSafeWrite(uint rva, byte[] data) { return dotNetSafeWriteOffset(rvaToOffset(rva), data); } public void write(uint rva, byte[] data) { seekRva(rva); writer.Write(data); } public void writeUint16(uint rva, ushort data) { seekRva(rva); writer.Write(data); } public void writeUint32(uint rva, uint data) { seekRva(rva); writer.Write(data); } public byte readByte(uint rva) { seekRva(rva); return reader.ReadByte(); } public ushort readUInt16(uint rva) { seekRva(rva); return reader.ReadUInt16(); } public uint readUInt32(uint rva) { seekRva(rva); return reader.ReadUInt32(); } public int readInt32(uint rva) { seekRva(rva); return reader.ReadInt32(); } public byte[] readBytes(uint rva, int size) { seekRva(rva); return reader.ReadBytes(size); } public void offsetWrite(uint offset, byte[] data) { seek(offset); writer.Write(data); } public byte[] offsetReadBytes(uint offset, int size) { seek(offset); return reader.ReadBytes(size); } public uint offsetRead(uint offset, int size) { if (size == 2) return offsetReadUInt16(offset); if (size == 4) return offsetReadUInt32(offset); throw new NotImplementedException(); } public byte offsetReadByte(uint offset) { seek(offset); return reader.ReadByte(); } public ushort offsetReadUInt16(uint offset) { seek(offset); return reader.ReadUInt16(); } public uint offsetReadUInt32(uint offset) { seek(offset); return reader.ReadUInt32(); } public void offsetWrite(uint offset, uint data, int size) { if (size == 2) offsetWriteUInt16(offset, (ushort)data); else if (size == 4) offsetWriteUInt32(offset, data); else throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void offsetWriteUInt16(uint offset, ushort data) { seek(offset); writer.Write(data); } public void offsetWriteUInt32(uint offset, uint data) { seek(offset); writer.Write(data); } } }