using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using de4dot.blocks; using de4dot.blocks.cflow; using de4dot.code.deobfuscators.ConfuserEx.x86; using dnlib.DotNet; using dnlib.DotNet.Emit; namespace de4dot.code.deobfuscators.ConfuserEx { internal class ControlFlowFixer : IBlocksDeobfuscator { public bool ExecuteIfNotModified { get; } = false; public List NativeMethods = new List(); private readonly InstructionEmulator _instructionEmulator = new InstructionEmulator(); private Blocks _blocks; private X86Method _nativeMethod; private Local _switchKey; private int? CalculateKey() { var popValue = _instructionEmulator.Peek(); if (popValue == null || !popValue.IsInt32() || !(popValue as Int32Value).AllBitsValid()) return null; _instructionEmulator.Pop(); int result = _nativeMethod.Execute(((Int32Value)popValue).Value); return result; } private int CalculateSwitchCaseIndex(Block block, int nativeKey) { _instructionEmulator.Push(new Int32Value(nativeKey)); _instructionEmulator.Emulate(block.Instructions, block.SwitchData.IsKeyHardCoded ? 2 : 1, block.Instructions.Count - 1); var popValue = _instructionEmulator.Peek(); _instructionEmulator.Pop(); return ((Int32Value)popValue).Value; } private void ProcessHardcodedSwitch(Block switchBlock) // a single-case switch { var targets = switchBlock.Targets; _instructionEmulator.Push(new Int32Value(switchBlock.SwitchData.Key.Value)); int? key = CalculateKey(); if (!key.HasValue) throw new Exception("CRITICAL ERROR: KEY HAS NO VALUE"); int switchCaseIndex = CalculateSwitchCaseIndex(switchBlock, key.Value); if (targets.Count < switchCaseIndex) throw new Exception("CRITICAL ERROR: KEY OUT OF RANGE"); var targetBlock = targets[switchCaseIndex]; targetBlock.SwitchData.Key = key; switchBlock.Instructions.Clear(); switchBlock.ReplaceLastNonBranchWithBranch(0, targetBlock); } private void ProcessBlock(List switchCaseBlocks, Block block, Block switchBlock) { var targets = switchBlock.Targets; _instructionEmulator.Emulate(block.Instructions, 0, block.Instructions.Count); if (_instructionEmulator.Peek().IsUnknown()) throw new Exception("CRITICAL ERROR: STACK VALUE UNKNOWN"); int? key = CalculateKey(); if (!key.HasValue) throw new Exception("CRITICAL ERROR: KEY HAS NO VALUE"); int switchCaseIndex = CalculateSwitchCaseIndex(switchBlock, key.Value); if (targets.Count < switchCaseIndex) throw new Exception("CRITICAL ERROR: KEY OUT OF RANGE"); var targetBlock = targets[switchCaseIndex]; targetBlock.SwitchData.Key = key; block.Add(new Instr(OpCodes.Pop.ToInstruction())); // neutralize the arithmetics and leave de4dot to remove them block.ReplaceLastNonBranchWithBranch(0, targetBlock); ProcessFallThroughs(switchCaseBlocks, switchBlock, targetBlock, key.Value); block.Processed = true; } private void ProcessTernaryBlock(List switchCaseBlocks, Block ternaryBlock, Block switchBlock) { var targets = switchBlock.Targets; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) // loop both source blocks { var sourceBlock = ternaryBlock.Sources[0]; if(ternaryBlock.SwitchData.Key.HasValue) // single instruction: pop -- no key! SetLocalSwitchKey(ternaryBlock.SwitchData.Key.Value); // set old key for both iterations! _instructionEmulator.Emulate(sourceBlock.Instructions, 0, sourceBlock.Instructions.Count); _instructionEmulator.Emulate(ternaryBlock.Instructions, 0, ternaryBlock.Instructions.Count); if (_instructionEmulator.Peek().IsUnknown()) throw new Exception("CRITICAL ERROR: STACK VALUE UNKNOWN"); int? key = CalculateKey(); if (!key.HasValue) throw new Exception("CRITICAL ERROR: KEY HAS NO VALUE"); int switchCaseIndex = CalculateSwitchCaseIndex(switchBlock, key.Value); if (targets.Count < switchCaseIndex) throw new Exception("CRITICAL ERROR: KEY OUT OF RANGE"); var targetBlock = targets[switchCaseIndex]; targetBlock.SwitchData.Key = key; sourceBlock.Instructions[sourceBlock.Instructions.Count - 1] = new Instr(OpCodes.Pop.ToInstruction()); sourceBlock.ReplaceLastNonBranchWithBranch(0, targets[switchCaseIndex]); ProcessFallThroughs(switchCaseBlocks, switchBlock, targets[switchCaseIndex], key.Value); // the second source block now becomes the first one } //switchCaseBlock.Instructions.Clear(); ternaryBlock.Add(new Instr(OpCodes.Pop.ToInstruction())); // don't add pop before both iterations have finished ternaryBlock.Processed = true; } public void DeobfuscateBegin(Blocks blocks) { _blocks = blocks; _instructionEmulator.Initialize(_blocks, true); } public bool Deobfuscate(List methodBlocks) { List switchBlocks = GetSwitchBlocks(methodBlocks); // blocks that contain a switch int modifications = 0; foreach (Block switchBlock in switchBlocks) { if (!switchBlock.SwitchData.IsConfuserExSwitch()) { Console.WriteLine("Unsupported switch block obfuscation!"); continue; } if (switchBlock.SwitchData.IsKeyHardCoded) { ProcessHardcodedSwitch(switchBlock); modifications++; continue; } _switchKey = Instr.GetLocalVar(_blocks.Locals, switchBlock.Instructions[switchBlock.Instructions.Count - 4]); if (DeobfuscateSwitchBlock(methodBlocks, switchBlock)) modifications++; } return modifications > 0; } private bool DeobfuscateSwitchBlock(List methodBlocks, Block switchBlock) { List switchFallThroughs = methodBlocks.FindAll(b => b.FallThrough == switchBlock); // blocks that fallthrough to the switch block _instructionEmulator.Initialize(_blocks, true); //TODO: Remove temporary precaution int blocksLeft = switchFallThroughs.Count; // how many blocks left to proccess int blockIndex = 0; // block that sets the first switch destination int failedCount = 0; while (blocksLeft > 0) { if (blockIndex > switchFallThroughs.Count - 1) blockIndex = 0; if (failedCount > switchFallThroughs.Count) { Console.WriteLine("Some blocks couldn't be processed!"); break; } Block switchCaseBlock = switchFallThroughs[blockIndex]; if (switchCaseBlock.Processed) { blockIndex++; continue; } if (NeedSwitchKey(switchCaseBlock)) { if (!switchCaseBlock.SwitchData.Key.HasValue) { failedCount++; blockIndex++; continue; } SetLocalSwitchKey(switchCaseBlock.SwitchData.Key.Value); } if (switchCaseBlock.IsTernary()) { ProcessTernaryBlock(switchFallThroughs, switchCaseBlock, switchBlock); } else { ProcessBlock(switchFallThroughs, switchCaseBlock, switchBlock); } failedCount = 0; blocksLeft--; blockIndex++; } if (blocksLeft == switchFallThroughs.Count) // Have we modified anything? return false; return true; } public bool IsSwitchBlock(Block block) { if (block.LastInstr.OpCode.Code != Code.Switch || ((Instruction[])block.LastInstr.Operand)?.Length == 0) return false; if (!block.SwitchData.IsNative()) return false; MethodDef nativeMethod = block.SwitchData.GetNativeMethod(); _nativeMethod = new X86Method(nativeMethod, _blocks.Method.Module as ModuleDefMD); //TODO: Possible null if (!NativeMethods.Contains(nativeMethod)) NativeMethods.Add(nativeMethod); return true; } public List GetSwitchBlocks(List blocks) // get the blocks which contain the switch statement { List switchBlocks = new List(); foreach (Block block in blocks) if (IsSwitchBlock(block)) switchBlocks.Add(block); return switchBlocks; } private readonly List _processedFallThroughs = new List(); // add the switch key to all appropriate fallthroughs private void ProcessFallThroughs(List switchCaseBlocks, Block switchBlock, Block targetBlock, int switchKey) { DoProcessFallThroughs(switchCaseBlocks, switchBlock, targetBlock, switchKey); _processedFallThroughs.Clear(); } private void DoProcessFallThroughs(List switchCaseBlocks, Block switchBlock, Block targetBlock, int switchKey) { if (_processedFallThroughs.Contains(targetBlock)) return; _processedFallThroughs.Add(targetBlock); if (targetBlock.FallThrough == switchBlock && switchCaseBlocks.Contains(targetBlock) && !targetBlock.SwitchData.Key.HasValue) targetBlock.SwitchData.Key = switchKey; var fallThrough = targetBlock.FallThrough; if (fallThrough == null) return; if (fallThrough.LastInstr.OpCode != OpCodes.Ret && fallThrough != switchBlock) DoProcessFallThroughs(switchCaseBlocks, switchBlock, fallThrough, switchKey); if (targetBlock.CountTargets() > 1) foreach (Block targetBlockTarget in targetBlock.Targets) { if (targetBlockTarget == switchBlock) return; DoProcessFallThroughs(switchCaseBlocks, switchBlock, targetBlockTarget, switchKey); } } private bool NeedSwitchKey(Block block) { foreach (var instr in block.Instructions) if (instr.IsLdloc() && Instr.GetLocalVar(_blocks.Locals, instr) == _switchKey) return true; return false; } private int? GetSwitchKey() { var val = _instructionEmulator.GetLocal(_switchKey); if (!val.IsInt32()) return null; var value = val as Int32Value; if (value == null || !value.AllBitsValid()) return null; return value.Value; } private void SetLocalSwitchKey(int key) { _instructionEmulator.SetLocal(_switchKey, new Int32Value(key)); } } }