/* Copyright (C) 2011 de4dot@gmail.com This file is part of de4dot. de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with de4dot. If not, see . */ using System; using Mono.Cecil; namespace de4dot.renamer { abstract class Expander { protected bool modified = false; protected void checkModified(object a, object b) { if (!ReferenceEquals(a, b)) modified = true; } } class TypeReferenceExpander : Expander { TypeReference typeReference; GenericInstanceType git; public TypeReferenceExpander(TypeReference typeReference, GenericInstanceType git) { this.typeReference = typeReference; this.git = git; } // Returns same one if nothing was expanded public TypeReference expand() { var rv = expandType(typeReference); return modified ? rv : typeReference; } TypeReference expandType(TypeReference a) { if (a == null) return null; var type = MemberReferenceHelper.getMemberReferenceType(a); switch (type) { case CecilType.ArrayType: return expandArrayType((ArrayType)a); case CecilType.ByReferenceType: return expandByReferenceType((ByReferenceType)a); case CecilType.FunctionPointerType: return expandFunctionPointerType((FunctionPointerType)a); case CecilType.GenericInstanceType: return expandGenericInstanceType((GenericInstanceType)a); case CecilType.GenericParameter: return expandGenericParameter((GenericParameter)a); case CecilType.OptionalModifierType: return expandOptionalModifierType((OptionalModifierType)a); case CecilType.PinnedType: return expandPinnedType((PinnedType)a); case CecilType.PointerType: return expandPointerType((PointerType)a); case CecilType.RequiredModifierType: return expandRequiredModifierType((RequiredModifierType)a); case CecilType.SentinelType: return expandSentinelType((SentinelType)a); case CecilType.TypeDefinition: return expandTypeDefinition((TypeDefinition)a); case CecilType.TypeReference: return expandTypeReference((TypeReference)a); default: throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Unknown cecil type {0}", type)); } } ArrayType expandArrayType(ArrayType a) { var rv = new ArrayType(expandType(a.ElementType)); if (!a.IsVector) { foreach (var dim in a.Dimensions) rv.Dimensions.Add(dim); } return rv; } ByReferenceType expandByReferenceType(ByReferenceType a) { return new ByReferenceType(expandType(a.ElementType)); } FunctionPointerType expandFunctionPointerType(FunctionPointerType a) { var rv = new FunctionPointerType(); rv.function = new MethodReferenceExpander(a.function, git).expand(); checkModified(a.function, rv.function); return rv; } GenericInstanceType expandGenericInstanceType(GenericInstanceType a) { var rv = new GenericInstanceType(expandType(a.ElementType)); foreach (var arg in a.GenericArguments) rv.GenericArguments.Add(expandType(arg)); return rv; } TypeReference expandGenericParameter(GenericParameter a) { if (!MemberReferenceHelper.compareTypes(a.Owner as TypeReference, git.ElementType)) return a; modified = true; return expandType(git.GenericArguments[a.Position]); } OptionalModifierType expandOptionalModifierType(OptionalModifierType a) { return new OptionalModifierType(expandType(a.ModifierType), expandType(a.ElementType)); } PinnedType expandPinnedType(PinnedType a) { return new PinnedType(expandType(a.ElementType)); } PointerType expandPointerType(PointerType a) { return new PointerType(expandType(a.ElementType)); } RequiredModifierType expandRequiredModifierType(RequiredModifierType a) { return new RequiredModifierType(expandType(a.ModifierType), expandType(a.ElementType)); } SentinelType expandSentinelType(SentinelType a) { return new SentinelType(expandType(a.ElementType)); } TypeReference expandTypeDefinition(TypeDefinition a) { return expandTypeReference(a); } TypeReference expandTypeReference(TypeReference a) { return a; } } abstract class MultiTypeExpander : Expander { GenericInstanceType git; public MultiTypeExpander(GenericInstanceType git) { this.git = git; } protected TypeReference expandType(TypeReference tr) { var type = new TypeReferenceExpander(tr, git).expand(); checkModified(type, tr); return type; } protected T getResult(T orig, T expanded) { return modified ? expanded : orig; } } class MethodReferenceExpander : MultiTypeExpander { MethodReference methodReference; public MethodReferenceExpander(MethodReference methodReference, GenericInstanceType git) : base(git) { this.methodReference = methodReference; } public MethodReference expand() { var mr = new MethodReference(methodReference.Name, expandType(methodReference.MethodReturnType.ReturnType), methodReference.DeclaringType); mr.HasThis = methodReference.HasThis; mr.ExplicitThis = methodReference.ExplicitThis; mr.CallingConvention = methodReference.CallingConvention; if (methodReference.HasParameters) { foreach (var param in methodReference.Parameters) { var newParam = new ParameterDefinition(param.Name, param.Attributes, expandType(param.ParameterType)); mr.Parameters.Add(newParam); } } if (methodReference.HasGenericParameters) { foreach (var param in methodReference.GenericParameters) { var newParam = new GenericParameter(param.Name, mr); mr.GenericParameters.Add(newParam); } } return getResult(methodReference, mr); } } class EventReferenceExpander : MultiTypeExpander { EventReference eventReference; public EventReferenceExpander(EventReference eventReference, GenericInstanceType git) : base(git) { this.eventReference = eventReference; } public EventReference expand() { var er = new EventDefinition(eventReference.Name, (EventAttributes)0, expandType(eventReference.EventType)); return getResult(eventReference, er); } } class PropertyReferenceExpander : MultiTypeExpander { PropertyReference propertyReference; public PropertyReferenceExpander(PropertyReference propertyReference, GenericInstanceType git) : base(git) { this.propertyReference = propertyReference; } public PropertyReference expand() { var pr = new PropertyDefinition(propertyReference.Name, (PropertyAttributes)0, expandType(propertyReference.PropertyType)); if (propertyReference.Parameters != null) { foreach (var param in propertyReference.Parameters) { var newParam = new ParameterDefinition(param.Name, param.Attributes, expandType(param.ParameterType)); pr.Parameters.Add(newParam); } } return getResult(propertyReference, pr); } } }