/* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 de4dot@gmail.com This file is part of de4dot. de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with de4dot. If not, see . */ using System; using dnlib.DotNet; using dnlib.DotNet.Emit; using de4dot.blocks; namespace de4dot.code.deobfuscators.Agile_NET.vm.v2 { class CsvmInfo { ModuleDef module; public TypeDef VmHandlerBaseType; public MethodDef LogicalOpShrUn; public MethodDef LogicalOpShl; public MethodDef LogicalOpShr; public MethodDef LogicalOpAnd; public MethodDef LogicalOpXor; public MethodDef LogicalOpOr; public MethodDef CompareLt; public MethodDef CompareLte; public MethodDef CompareGt; public MethodDef CompareGte; public MethodDef CompareEq; public MethodDef CompareEqz; public MethodDef ArithmeticSubOvfUn; public MethodDef ArithmeticMulOvfUn; public MethodDef ArithmeticRemUn; public MethodDef ArithmeticRem; public MethodDef ArithmeticDivUn; public MethodDef ArithmeticDiv; public MethodDef ArithmeticMul; public MethodDef ArithmeticMulOvf; public MethodDef ArithmeticSub; public MethodDef ArithmeticSubOvf; public MethodDef ArithmeticAddOvfUn; public MethodDef ArithmeticAddOvf; public MethodDef ArithmeticAdd; public MethodDef UnaryNot; public MethodDef UnaryNeg; public MethodDef ArgsGet; public MethodDef ArgsSet; public MethodDef LocalsGet; public MethodDef LocalsSet; public CsvmInfo(ModuleDef module) { this.module = module; } public bool Initialize() { return FindVmHandlerBase() && FindLocalOpsMethods() && FindComparerMethods() && FindArithmeticMethods() && FindUnaryOpsMethods() && FindArgsLocals(); } public bool FindVmHandlerBase() { foreach (var type in module.Types) { if (!type.IsPublic || !type.IsAbstract) continue; if (type.HasProperties || type.HasEvents) continue; if (type.BaseType == null || type.BaseType.FullName != "System.Object") continue; if (CountVirtual(type) != 2) continue; VmHandlerBaseType = type; return true; } return false; } public bool FindLocalOpsMethods() { foreach (var type in module.Types) { if (type.BaseType == null || type.BaseType.FullName != "System.Object") continue; if (type.Methods.Count != 6 && type.Methods.Count != 7) continue; LogicalOpShrUn = FindLogicalOpMethodShrUn(type); if (LogicalOpShrUn == null) continue; LogicalOpShl = FindLogicalOpMethodShl(type); LogicalOpShr = FindLogicalOpMethodShr(type); LogicalOpAnd = FindLogicalOpMethodAnd(type); LogicalOpXor = FindLogicalOpMethodXor(type); LogicalOpOr = FindLogicalOpMethodOr(type); if (LogicalOpShrUn != null && LogicalOpShl != null && LogicalOpShr != null && LogicalOpAnd != null && LogicalOpXor != null && LogicalOpOr != null) return true; } return false; } MethodDef FindLogicalOpMethodShrUn(TypeDef type) { return FindLogicalOpMethod(type, ElementType.U4, ElementType.I4, ElementType.U4, Code.Shr_Un); } MethodDef FindLogicalOpMethodShl(TypeDef type) { return FindLogicalOpMethod(type, ElementType.I4, ElementType.I4, ElementType.I4, Code.Shl); } MethodDef FindLogicalOpMethodShr(TypeDef type) { return FindLogicalOpMethod(type, ElementType.I4, ElementType.I4, ElementType.I4, Code.Shr); } MethodDef FindLogicalOpMethod(TypeDef type, ElementType e1, ElementType e2, ElementType e3, Code code) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (!CheckLogicalMethodSig(method)) continue; if (method.Body == null) continue; var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 7; i++) { var ldarg0 = instrs[i]; if (!ldarg0.IsLdarg() || ldarg0.GetParameterIndex() != 0) continue; if (!CheckUnboxAny(instrs[i + 1], e1)) continue; var ldarg1 = instrs[i + 2]; if (!ldarg1.IsLdarg() || ldarg1.GetParameterIndex() != 1) continue; if (!CheckUnboxAny(instrs[i + 3], e2)) continue; var ldci4 = instrs[i + 4]; if (!ldci4.IsLdcI4() || ldci4.GetLdcI4Value() != 0x1F) continue; if (instrs[i + 5].OpCode.Code != Code.And) continue; if (instrs[i + 6].OpCode.Code != code) continue; if (!CheckBox(instrs[i + 7], e3)) continue; return method; } } return null; } MethodDef FindLogicalOpMethodAnd(TypeDef type) { return FindLogicalOpMethod(type, Code.And); } MethodDef FindLogicalOpMethodXor(TypeDef type) { return FindLogicalOpMethod(type, Code.Xor); } MethodDef FindLogicalOpMethodOr(TypeDef type) { return FindLogicalOpMethod(type, Code.Or); } MethodDef FindLogicalOpMethod(TypeDef type, Code code) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (!CheckLogicalMethodSig(method)) continue; if (method.Body == null) continue; var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 5; i++) { var ldarg0 = instrs[i]; if (!ldarg0.IsLdarg() || ldarg0.GetParameterIndex() != 0) continue; if (!CheckUnboxAny(instrs[i + 1], ElementType.I4)) continue; var ldarg1 = instrs[i + 2]; if (!ldarg1.IsLdarg() || ldarg1.GetParameterIndex() != 1) continue; if (!CheckUnboxAny(instrs[i + 3], ElementType.I4)) continue; if (instrs[i + 4].OpCode.Code != code) continue; if (!CheckBox(instrs[i + 5], ElementType.I4)) continue; return method; } } return null; } static bool CheckLogicalMethodSig(MethodDef method) { return method != null && method.IsStatic && method.MethodSig.GetParamCount() == 2 && method.MethodSig.RetType.GetElementType() == ElementType.Object && method.MethodSig.Params[0].GetElementType() == ElementType.Object && method.MethodSig.Params[1].GetElementType() == ElementType.Object; } public bool FindComparerMethods() { foreach (var type in module.Types) { if (type.BaseType == null || type.BaseType.FullName != "System.Object") continue; if (type.Methods.Count != 9) continue; CompareLt = FindCompareLt(type); if (CompareLt == null) continue; CompareLte = FindCompareLte(type); CompareGt = FindCompareGt(type); CompareGte = FindCompareGte(type); CompareEq = FindCompareEq(type); CompareEqz = FindCompareEqz(type); if (CompareLt != null && CompareLte != null && CompareGt != null && CompareGte != null && CompareEq != null && CompareEqz != null) return true; } return false; } MethodDef FindCompareLt(TypeDef type) { return FindCompareMethod(type, Code.Clt, false); } MethodDef FindCompareLte(TypeDef type) { return FindCompareMethod(type, Code.Cgt, true); } MethodDef FindCompareGt(TypeDef type) { return FindCompareMethod(type, Code.Cgt, false); } MethodDef FindCompareGte(TypeDef type) { return FindCompareMethod(type, Code.Clt, true); } MethodDef FindCompareMethod(TypeDef type, Code code, bool invert) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (!CheckCompareMethodSig(method)) continue; if (method.Body == null) continue; var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; int end = instrs.Count - 6; if (invert) end -= 2; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { int index = i; var ldarg0 = instrs[index++]; if (!ldarg0.IsLdarg() || ldarg0.GetParameterIndex() != 0) continue; if (!CheckUnboxAny(instrs[index++], ElementType.I4)) continue; var ldarg1 = instrs[index++]; if (!ldarg1.IsLdarg() || ldarg1.GetParameterIndex() != 1) continue; if (!CheckUnboxAny(instrs[index++], ElementType.I4)) continue; if (instrs[index++].OpCode.Code != code) continue; if (invert) { var ldci4 = instrs[index++]; if (!ldci4.IsLdcI4() || ldci4.GetLdcI4Value() != 0) continue; if (instrs[index++].OpCode.Code != Code.Ceq) continue; } if (!instrs[index++].IsStloc()) continue; return method; } } return null; } static bool CheckCompareMethodSig(MethodDef method) { if (method == null || !method.IsStatic) return false; var sig = method.MethodSig; if (sig == null || sig.GetParamCount() != 3) return false; if (sig.RetType.GetElementType() != ElementType.Boolean) return false; if (sig.Params[0].GetElementType() != ElementType.Object) return false; if (sig.Params[1].GetElementType() != ElementType.Object) return false; var arg2 = sig.Params[2] as ValueTypeSig; if (arg2 == null || arg2.TypeDef == null || !arg2.TypeDef.IsEnum) return false; return true; } MethodDef FindCompareEq(TypeDef type) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (!CheckCompareEqMethodSig(method)) continue; if (method.Body == null) continue; var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 5; i++) { var ldarg0 = instrs[i]; if (!ldarg0.IsLdarg() || ldarg0.GetParameterIndex() != 0) continue; if (!CheckUnboxAny(instrs[i + 1], ElementType.I4)) continue; var ldarg1 = instrs[i + 2]; if (!ldarg1.IsLdarg() || ldarg1.GetParameterIndex() != 1) continue; if (!CheckUnboxAny(instrs[i + 3], ElementType.I4)) continue; if (instrs[i + 4].OpCode.Code != Code.Ceq) continue; if (!instrs[i + 5].IsStloc()) continue; return method; } } return null; } static bool CheckCompareEqMethodSig(MethodDef method) { return method != null && method.IsStatic && method.MethodSig.GetParamCount() == 2 && method.MethodSig.RetType.GetElementType() == ElementType.Boolean && method.MethodSig.Params[0].GetElementType() == ElementType.Object && method.MethodSig.Params[1].GetElementType() == ElementType.Object; } MethodDef FindCompareEqz(TypeDef type) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (!CheckCompareEqzMethodSig(method)) continue; if (method.Body == null) continue; var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 4; i++) { var ldarg0 = instrs[i]; if (!ldarg0.IsLdarg() || ldarg0.GetParameterIndex() != 0) continue; if (!CheckUnboxAny(instrs[i + 1], ElementType.I4)) continue; var ldci4 = instrs[i + 2]; if (!ldci4.IsLdcI4() || ldci4.GetLdcI4Value() != 0) continue; if (instrs[i + 3].OpCode.Code != Code.Ceq) continue; if (!instrs[i + 4].IsStloc()) continue; return method; } } return null; } static bool CheckCompareEqzMethodSig(MethodDef method) { return method != null && method.IsStatic && method.MethodSig.GetParamCount() == 1 && method.MethodSig.RetType.GetElementType() == ElementType.Boolean && method.MethodSig.Params[0].GetElementType() == ElementType.Object; } public bool FindArithmeticMethods() { foreach (var type in module.Types) { if (type.BaseType == null || type.BaseType.FullName != "System.Object") continue; if (type.Methods.Count != 15) continue; ArithmeticSubOvfUn = FindArithmeticSubOvfUn(type); if (ArithmeticSubOvfUn == null) continue; ArithmeticMulOvfUn = FindArithmeticMulOvfUn(type); ArithmeticRemUn = FindArithmeticRemUn(type); ArithmeticRem = FindArithmeticRem(type); ArithmeticDivUn = FindArithmeticDivUn(type); ArithmeticDiv = FindArithmeticDiv(type); ArithmeticMul = FindArithmeticMul(type); ArithmeticMulOvf = FindArithmeticMulOvf(type); ArithmeticSub = FindArithmeticSub(type); ArithmeticSubOvf = FindArithmeticSubOvf(type); ArithmeticAddOvfUn = FindArithmeticAddOvfUn(type); ArithmeticAddOvf = FindArithmeticAddOvf(type); ArithmeticAdd = FindArithmeticAdd(type); if (ArithmeticSubOvfUn != null && ArithmeticMulOvfUn != null && ArithmeticRemUn != null && ArithmeticRem != null && ArithmeticDivUn != null && ArithmeticDiv != null && ArithmeticMul != null && ArithmeticMulOvf != null && ArithmeticSub != null && ArithmeticSubOvf != null && ArithmeticAddOvfUn != null && ArithmeticAddOvf != null && ArithmeticAdd != null) return true; } return false; } MethodDef FindArithmeticSubOvfUn(TypeDef type) { return FindArithmeticOpUn(type, Code.Sub_Ovf_Un); } MethodDef FindArithmeticMulOvfUn(TypeDef type) { return FindArithmeticOpUn(type, Code.Mul_Ovf_Un); } MethodDef FindArithmeticAddOvfUn(TypeDef type) { return FindArithmeticOpUn(type, Code.Add_Ovf_Un); } MethodDef FindArithmeticOpUn(TypeDef type, Code code) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (!CheckArithmeticUnMethodSig(method)) continue; if (method.Body == null) continue; var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 8; i++) { var ldarg0 = instrs[i]; if (!ldarg0.IsLdarg() || ldarg0.GetParameterIndex() != 0) continue; if (!CheckCallvirt(instrs[i + 1], "System.Int32", "()")) continue; if (instrs[i + 2].OpCode.Code != Code.Conv_Ovf_U4) continue; var ldarg1 = instrs[i + 3]; if (!ldarg1.IsLdarg() || ldarg1.GetParameterIndex() != 1) continue; if (!CheckCallvirt(instrs[i + 4], "System.Int32", "()")) continue; if (instrs[i + 5].OpCode.Code != Code.Conv_Ovf_U4) continue; if (instrs[i + 6].OpCode.Code != code) continue; if (!CheckBox(instrs[i + 7], ElementType.U4)) continue; if (!instrs[i + 8].IsStloc()) continue; return method; } } return null; } static bool CheckArithmeticUnMethodSig(MethodDef method) { return method != null && method.IsStatic && method.MethodSig.GetParamCount() == 2 && method.MethodSig.RetType.GetElementType() == ElementType.Object && method.MethodSig.Params[0].GetElementType() == ElementType.Class && method.MethodSig.Params[1].GetElementType() == ElementType.Class; } MethodDef FindArithmeticRemUn(TypeDef type) { return FindArithmeticDivOrRemUn(type, Code.Rem_Un); } MethodDef FindArithmeticDivUn(TypeDef type) { return FindArithmeticDivOrRemUn(type, Code.Div_Un); } MethodDef FindArithmeticDivOrRemUn(TypeDef type, Code code) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (!CheckArithmeticUnMethodSig(method)) continue; if (method.Body == null) continue; var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 7; i++) { var ldarg0 = instrs[i]; if (!ldarg0.IsLdarg() || ldarg0.GetParameterIndex() != 0) continue; if (!CheckCallvirt(instrs[i + 1], "System.Int32", "()")) continue; var ldarg1 = instrs[i + 2]; if (!ldarg1.IsLdarg() || ldarg1.GetParameterIndex() != 1) continue; if (!CheckCallvirt(instrs[i + 3], "System.Int32", "()")) continue; if (instrs[i + 4].OpCode.Code != code) continue; if (!CheckBox(instrs[i + 5], ElementType.U4)) continue; if (!instrs[i + 6].IsStloc()) continue; return method; } } return null; } MethodDef FindArithmeticRem(TypeDef type) { return FindArithmeticOther(type, Code.Rem); } MethodDef FindArithmeticDiv(TypeDef type) { return FindArithmeticOther(type, Code.Div); } MethodDef FindArithmeticMul(TypeDef type) { return FindArithmeticOther(type, Code.Mul); } MethodDef FindArithmeticMulOvf(TypeDef type) { return FindArithmeticOther(type, Code.Mul_Ovf); } MethodDef FindArithmeticSub(TypeDef type) { return FindArithmeticOther(type, Code.Sub); } MethodDef FindArithmeticSubOvf(TypeDef type) { return FindArithmeticOther(type, Code.Sub_Ovf); } MethodDef FindArithmeticAdd(TypeDef type) { return FindArithmeticOther(type, Code.Add); } MethodDef FindArithmeticAddOvf(TypeDef type) { return FindArithmeticOther(type, Code.Add_Ovf); } MethodDef FindArithmeticOther(TypeDef type, Code code) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (!CheckArithmeticOtherMethodSig(method)) continue; if (method.Body == null) continue; var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 6; i++) { var ldarg0 = instrs[i]; if (!ldarg0.IsLdarg() || ldarg0.GetParameterIndex() != 0) continue; if (!CheckUnboxAny(instrs[i + 1], ElementType.I4)) continue; var ldarg1 = instrs[i + 2]; if (!ldarg1.IsLdarg() || ldarg1.GetParameterIndex() != 1) continue; if (!CheckUnboxAny(instrs[i + 3], ElementType.I4)) continue; if (instrs[i + 4].OpCode.Code != code) continue; if (!CheckBox(instrs[i + 5], ElementType.I4)) continue; return method; } } return null; } static bool CheckArithmeticOtherMethodSig(MethodDef method) { return method != null && method.IsStatic && method.MethodSig.GetParamCount() == 2 && method.MethodSig.RetType.GetElementType() == ElementType.Object && method.MethodSig.Params[0].GetElementType() == ElementType.Object && method.MethodSig.Params[1].GetElementType() == ElementType.Object; } public bool FindUnaryOpsMethods() { UnaryNot = FindUnaryOpMethod1(Code.Not); UnaryNeg = FindUnaryOpMethod1(Code.Neg); if (UnaryNot != null && UnaryNeg != null) return true; return FindUnaryOpMethod2(); } MethodDef FindUnaryOpMethod1(Code code) { foreach (var type in module.Types) { if (type.BaseType != VmHandlerBaseType) continue; if (type.Methods.Count != 4) continue; var method = FindUnaryMethod(type, code); if (method != null) return method; } return null; } bool FindUnaryOpMethod2() { foreach (var type in module.Types) { if (type.BaseType == null || type.BaseType.FullName != "System.Object") continue; if (type.Methods.Count != 3) continue; UnaryNot = FindUnaryMethod(type, Code.Not); UnaryNeg = FindUnaryMethod(type, Code.Neg); if (UnaryNot != null && UnaryNeg != null) return true; } return false; } MethodDef FindUnaryMethod(TypeDef type, Code code) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (!IsUnsaryMethod(method, code)) continue; return method; } return null; } bool IsUnsaryMethod(MethodDef method, Code code) { if (!method.HasBody || !method.IsStatic) return false; if (!DotNetUtils.IsMethod(method, "System.Object", "(System.Object)")) return false; if (CountThrows(method) != 1) return false; var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 4; i++) { var ldarg = instrs[i]; if (!ldarg.IsLdarg() || ldarg.GetParameterIndex() != 0) continue; if (!CheckUnboxAny(instrs[i + 1], ElementType.I4)) continue; if (instrs[i + 2].OpCode.Code != code) continue; if (!CheckBox(instrs[i + 3], ElementType.I4)) continue; if (!instrs[i + 4].IsStloc()) continue; return true; } return false; } static int CountThrows(MethodDef method) { if (method == null || method.Body == null) return 0; int count = 0; foreach (var instr in method.Body.Instructions) { if (instr.OpCode.Code == Code.Throw) count++; } return count; } public bool FindArgsLocals() { var vmState = FindVmState(); if (vmState == null) return false; var ctor = vmState.FindMethod(".ctor"); return FindArgsLocals(ctor, 1, out ArgsGet, out ArgsSet) && FindArgsLocals(ctor, 2, out LocalsGet, out LocalsSet); } TypeDef FindVmState() { if (VmHandlerBaseType == null) return null; foreach (var method in VmHandlerBaseType.Methods) { if (method.IsStatic || !method.IsAbstract) continue; if (method.Parameters.Count != 2) continue; var arg1 = method.Parameters[1].Type.TryGetTypeDef(); if (arg1 == null) continue; return arg1; } return null; } static bool FindArgsLocals(MethodDef ctor, int arg, out MethodDef getter, out MethodDef setter) { getter = null; setter = null; if (ctor == null || !ctor.HasBody) return false; setter = FindSetter(ctor, arg); if (setter == null) return false; var propField = GetPropField(setter); if (propField == null) return false; getter = FindGetter(ctor.DeclaringType, propField); return getter != null; } static MethodDef FindSetter(MethodDef ctor, int arg) { if (ctor == null || !ctor.HasBody) return null; var instrs = ctor.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 1; i++) { var ldarg = instrs[i]; if (!ldarg.IsLdarg() || ldarg.GetParameterIndex() != arg) continue; var call = instrs[i + 1]; if (call.OpCode.Code != Code.Call) continue; var method = call.Operand as MethodDef; if (method == null) continue; if (method.DeclaringType != ctor.DeclaringType) continue; return method; } return null; } static FieldDef GetPropField(MethodDef method) { if (method == null || !method.HasBody) return null; foreach (var instr in method.Body.Instructions) { if (instr.OpCode.Code != Code.Stfld) continue; var field = instr.Operand as FieldDef; if (field == null || field.DeclaringType != method.DeclaringType) continue; return field; } return null; } static MethodDef FindGetter(TypeDef type, FieldDef propField) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (method.IsStatic || !method.HasBody) continue; foreach (var instr in method.Body.Instructions) { if (instr.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldfld) continue; if (instr.Operand != propField) continue; return method; } } return null; } static bool CheckCallvirt(Instruction instr, string returnType, string parameters) { if (instr.OpCode.Code != Code.Callvirt) return false; return DotNetUtils.IsMethod(instr.Operand as IMethod, returnType, parameters); } bool CheckUnboxAny(Instruction instr, ElementType expectedType) { if (instr == null || instr.OpCode.Code != Code.Unbox_Any) return false; var typeSig = module.CorLibTypes.GetCorLibTypeSig(instr.Operand as ITypeDefOrRef); return typeSig.GetElementType() == expectedType; } bool CheckBox(Instruction instr, ElementType expectedType) { if (instr == null || instr.OpCode.Code != Code.Box) return false; var typeSig = module.CorLibTypes.GetCorLibTypeSig(instr.Operand as ITypeDefOrRef); return typeSig.GetElementType() == expectedType; } static int CountVirtual(TypeDef type) { int count = 0; foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (method.IsVirtual) count++; } return count; } } }