/* Copyright (C) 2011-2013 de4dot@gmail.com This file is part of de4dot. de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with de4dot. If not, see . */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using dnlib.IO; using dnlib.DotNet; using dnlib.DotNet.MD; using dnlib.DotNet.Emit; using de4dot.blocks; namespace de4dot.code.deobfuscators.Confuser { // Since v1.8 r75367 class ConstantsDecrypterV18 : IVersionProvider { ModuleDefMD module; byte[] fileData; ISimpleDeobfuscator simpleDeobfuscator; FieldDef dictField, dataField; MethodDef installMethod; MethodDefAndDeclaringTypeDict decrypters = new MethodDefAndDeclaringTypeDict(); uint key0, key0d; MethodDef nativeMethod; TypeDef lzmaType; EmbeddedResource resource; byte[] constants; ConfuserVersion version = ConfuserVersion.Unknown; public enum ConfuserVersion { Unknown, v18_r75367_normal, v18_r75367_dynamic, v18_r75367_native, v18_r75369_normal, v18_r75369_dynamic, v18_r75369_native, v19_r77172_normal, v19_r77172_dynamic, v19_r77172_native, v19_r78056_normal, v19_r78056_dynamic, v19_r78056_native, v19_r78363_normal, v19_r78363_dynamic, v19_r78363_native, v19_r79630_normal, v19_r79630_dynamic, v19_r79630_native, } public class DecrypterInfo { readonly ConstantsDecrypterV18 constantsDecrypter; public readonly MethodDef method; public ulong key0l, key1l, key2l; public uint key0, key0d; readonly ConfuserVersion version; public DecrypterInfo(ConstantsDecrypterV18 constantsDecrypter, MethodDef method, ConfuserVersion version) { this.constantsDecrypter = constantsDecrypter; this.method = method; this.version = version; } public string DecryptString(uint magic1, ulong magic2) { return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Decrypt(magic1, magic2)); } public int DecryptInt32(uint magic1, ulong magic2) { return BitConverter.ToInt32(Decrypt(magic1, magic2), 0); } public long DecryptInt64(uint magic1, ulong magic2) { return BitConverter.ToInt64(Decrypt(magic1, magic2), 0); } public float DecryptSingle(uint magic1, ulong magic2) { return BitConverter.ToSingle(Decrypt(magic1, magic2), 0); } public double DecryptDouble(uint magic1, ulong magic2) { return BitConverter.ToDouble(Decrypt(magic1, magic2), 0); } byte[] Decrypt(uint magic1, ulong magic2) { ulong info = Hash(method.DeclaringType.MDToken.ToUInt32() * magic1) ^ magic2; int offset = (int)(info >> 32); int len = (int)info; var decrypted = new byte[len]; byte[] key = BitConverter.GetBytes(method.MDToken.ToUInt32() ^ key0d); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) decrypted[i] = (byte)(constantsDecrypter.constants[offset + i] ^ key[(offset + i) & 3]); return decrypted; } ulong Hash(uint magic) { switch (version) { case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_native: return Hash1(key0l ^ magic); case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_native: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_native: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_native: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_native: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_native: return Hash1(key0l * magic); default: throw new ApplicationException("Invalid version"); } } ulong Hash1(ulong h0) { ulong h1 = key1l; ulong h2 = key2l; h1 *= h0; h2 *= h0; h0 *= h0; ulong hash = 14695981039346656037UL; while (h0 != 0) { hash *= 1099511628211UL; hash = (hash ^ h0) + (h1 ^ h2) * key0; h1 *= 0x811C9DC5; h2 *= 0xA2CEBAB2; h0 >>= 8; } return hash; } } public IEnumerable Types { get { var types = new List(); foreach (var info in decrypters.GetValues()) types.Add(info.method.DeclaringType); return types; } } public IEnumerable Fields { get { return new List { dataField, dictField, }; } } public MethodDef NativeMethod { get { return nativeMethod; } } public TypeDef LzmaType { get { return lzmaType; } } public EmbeddedResource Resource { get { return resource; } } public IEnumerable Decrypters { get { return decrypters.GetValues(); } } public bool Detected { get { return installMethod != null; } } public ConstantsDecrypterV18(ModuleDefMD module, byte[] fileData, ISimpleDeobfuscator simpleDeobfuscator) { this.module = module; this.fileData = fileData; this.simpleDeobfuscator = simpleDeobfuscator; } public void Find() { var cctor = DotNetUtils.GetModuleTypeCctor(module); if (cctor == null) return; simpleDeobfuscator.Deobfuscate(cctor, true); if ((dictField = ConstantsDecrypterUtils.FindDictField(cctor, cctor.DeclaringType)) == null) return; if ((dataField = ConstantsDecrypterUtils.FindDataField_v18_r75367(cctor, cctor.DeclaringType)) == null && (dataField = ConstantsDecrypterUtils.FindDataField_v19_r77172(cctor, cctor.DeclaringType)) == null) return; nativeMethod = FindNativeMethod(cctor, cctor.DeclaringType); var method = GetDecryptMethod(); if (method == null) return; simpleDeobfuscator.Deobfuscate(method); var info = new DecrypterInfo(this, method, ConfuserVersion.Unknown); if (FindKeys_v18_r75367(info)) InitVersion(cctor, ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_normal, ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_dynamic, ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_native); else if (FindKeys_v18_r75369(info)) { lzmaType = ConfuserUtils.FindLzmaType(cctor); if (lzmaType == null) InitVersion(cctor, ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_normal, ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_dynamic, ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_native); else if (!DotNetUtils.CallsMethod(method, "System.Void System.Threading.Monitor::Exit(System.Object)")) InitVersion(cctor, ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_normal, ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_dynamic, ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_native); else if (DotNetUtils.CallsMethod(method, "System.Void System.Diagnostics.StackFrame::.ctor(System.Int32)")) InitVersion(cctor, ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_normal, ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_dynamic, ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_native); else { int index1 = ConfuserUtils.FindCallMethod(cctor.Body.Instructions, 0, Code.Callvirt, "System.Reflection.Module System.Reflection.MemberInfo::get_Module()"); int index2 = ConfuserUtils.FindCallMethod(cctor.Body.Instructions, 0, Code.Callvirt, "System.Int32 System.Reflection.MemberInfo::get_MetadataToken()"); if (index1 < 0 || index2 < 0) { } if (index2 - index1 == 3) InitVersion(cctor, ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_normal, ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_dynamic, ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_native); else if (index2 - index1 == -4) InitVersion(cctor, ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_normal, ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_dynamic, ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_native); } } else return; installMethod = cctor; } void InitVersion(MethodDef installMethod, ConfuserVersion normal, ConfuserVersion dynamic, ConfuserVersion native) { if (nativeMethod != null) version = native; else if (DeobUtils.HasInteger(installMethod, 0x10000)) version = normal; else version = dynamic; } public void Initialize() { if (installMethod == null) return; if (!FindKeys()) throw new ApplicationException("Could not find keys"); if ((resource = FindResource(key0)) == null) throw new ApplicationException("Could not find resource"); constants = DecryptResource(resource.GetResourceData()); FindDecrypters(); } EmbeddedResource FindResource(uint magic) { var name = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(BitConverter.GetBytes(magic)); return DotNetUtils.GetResource(module, name) as EmbeddedResource; } bool FindKeys() { if (!FindKey0(installMethod, out key0)) return false; if (!FindKey0d(installMethod, out key0d)) return false; return true; } static bool FindKey0(MethodDef method, out uint key) { var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count; i++) { int index = ConfuserUtils.FindCallMethod(instrs, i, Code.Call, "System.Text.Encoding System.Text.Encoding::get_UTF8()"); if (index < 0) break; int index2 = ConfuserUtils.FindCallMethod(instrs, i, Code.Call, "System.Byte[] System.BitConverter::GetBytes(System.Int32)"); if (index2 - index != 2) continue; var ldci4 = instrs[index + 1]; if (!ldci4.IsLdcI4()) continue; key = (uint)ldci4.GetLdcI4Value(); return true; } key = 0; return false; } static bool FindKey0d(MethodDef method, out uint key) { var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count; i++) { int index = ConfuserUtils.FindCallMethod(instrs, i, Code.Callvirt, "System.Reflection.Module System.Reflection.MemberInfo::get_Module()"); if (index < 0) break; int index2 = ConfuserUtils.FindCallMethod(instrs, i, Code.Callvirt, "System.Int32 System.Reflection.MemberInfo::get_MetadataToken()"); int ldci4Index; switch (index2 - index) { case 3: // rev <= r79440 ldci4Index = index + 1; break; case -4: // rev >= r79630 ldci4Index = index2 - 2; break; default: continue; } var ldci4 = instrs[ldci4Index]; if (!ldci4.IsLdcI4()) continue; if (!instrs[ldci4Index + 1].IsLdloc()) continue; key = (uint)ldci4.GetLdcI4Value(); return true; } key = 0; return false; } static MethodDef FindNativeMethod(MethodDef method, TypeDef declaringType) { var instrs = method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count; i++) { if (!instrs[i].IsLdloc()) continue; var call = instrs[i + 1]; if (call.OpCode.Code != Code.Call) continue; var calledMethod = call.Operand as MethodDef; if (calledMethod == null || !calledMethod.IsStatic || !calledMethod.IsNative) continue; if (!DotNetUtils.IsMethod(calledMethod, "System.Int32", "(System.Int32)")) continue; return calledMethod; } return null; } MethodDef GetDecryptMethod() { foreach (var type in module.Types) { if (type.Attributes != (TypeAttributes.Abstract | TypeAttributes.Sealed)) continue; if (!CheckMethods(type.Methods)) continue; foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (IsDecryptMethodSignature(method)) return method; } } return null; } static bool CheckMethods(IEnumerable methods) { int numMethods = 0; foreach (var method in methods) { if (method.Name == ".ctor" || method.Name == ".cctor") return false; if (!IsDecryptMethodSignature(method)) return false; numMethods++; } return numMethods > 0; } static bool IsDecryptMethodSignature(MethodDef method) { if (method == null || method.Body == null) return false; if (method.Attributes != (MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.CompilerControlled)) return false; var sig = method.MethodSig; if (sig == null) return false; if (sig.Params.Count != 2) return false; if (sig.Params[0].GetElementType() != ElementType.U4) return false; if (sig.Params[1].GetElementType() != ElementType.U8) return false; if (!(sig.RetType.RemovePinnedAndModifiers() is GenericMVar)) return false; if (sig.GenParamCount != 1) return false; return true; } void FindDecrypters() { foreach (var type in module.Types) { if (type.Attributes != (TypeAttributes.Abstract | TypeAttributes.Sealed)) continue; if (!CheckMethods(type.Methods)) continue; foreach (var method in type.Methods) { var info = CreateDecrypterInfo(method); if (info != null) decrypters.Add(info.method, info); } } } DecrypterInfo CreateDecrypterInfo(MethodDef method) { if (!IsDecryptMethodSignature(method)) return null; simpleDeobfuscator.Deobfuscate(method); var info = new DecrypterInfo(this, method, version); if (!FindKeys(info)) return null; return info; } bool FindKeys(DecrypterInfo info) { switch (version) { case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_native: return FindKeys_v18_r75367(info); case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_native: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_native: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_native: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_native: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_native: return FindKeys_v18_r75369(info); default: throw new ApplicationException("Invalid version"); } } static bool FindKeys_v18_r75367(DecrypterInfo info) { if (!FindLKeys_v18_r75367(info)) return false; if (!FindKey0_v18_r75367(info)) return false; if (!FindKey0d_v18_r75367(info)) return false; return true; } static bool FindKeys_v18_r75369(DecrypterInfo info) { if (!FindLKeys_v18_r75369(info)) return false; if (!FindKey0_v18_r75369(info)) return false; if (!FindKey0d_v18_r75367(info)) return false; return true; } static bool FindLKeys_v18_r75367(DecrypterInfo info) { var instrs = info.method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 10; i++) { var ldci4_1 = instrs[i]; if (!ldci4_1.IsLdcI4()) continue; if (!instrs[i + 1].IsLdloc()) continue; if (instrs[i + 2].OpCode.Code != Code.Xor) continue; if (instrs[i + 3].OpCode.Code != Code.Conv_U8) continue; if (!instrs[i + 4].IsStloc()) continue; var ldci4_2 = instrs[i + 5]; if (!ldci4_2.IsLdcI4()) continue; if (instrs[i + 6].OpCode.Code != Code.Conv_I8) continue; if (!instrs[i + 7].IsStloc()) continue; var ldci4_3 = instrs[i + 8]; if (!ldci4_3.IsLdcI4()) continue; if (instrs[i + 9].OpCode.Code != Code.Conv_I8) continue; if (!instrs[i + 10].IsStloc()) continue; info.key0l = (uint)ldci4_1.GetLdcI4Value(); info.key1l = (uint)ldci4_2.GetLdcI4Value(); info.key2l = (uint)ldci4_3.GetLdcI4Value(); return true; } return false; } static bool FindKey0_v18_r75367(DecrypterInfo info) { var instrs = info.method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 4; i++) { if (instrs[i].OpCode.Code != Code.Xor) continue; var ldci4 = instrs[i + 1]; if (!ldci4.IsLdcI4()) continue; if (instrs[i + 2].OpCode.Code != Code.Conv_I8) continue; if (instrs[i + 3].OpCode.Code != Code.Mul) continue; if (instrs[i + 4].OpCode.Code != Code.Add) continue; info.key0 = (uint)ldci4.GetLdcI4Value(); return true; } return false; } static bool FindKey0d_v18_r75367(DecrypterInfo info) { var instrs = info.method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count; i++) { int index = ConfuserUtils.FindCallMethod(instrs, i, Code.Callvirt, "System.Int32 System.Reflection.MemberInfo::get_MetadataToken()"); if (index < 0) break; int index2 = ConfuserUtils.FindCallMethod(instrs, index, Code.Call, "System.Byte[] System.BitConverter::GetBytes(System.Int32)"); if (index2 < 0) break; if (index2 - index != 3) continue; var ldci4 = instrs[index + 1]; if (!ldci4.IsLdcI4()) continue; if (instrs[index + 2].OpCode.Code != Code.Xor) continue; info.key0d = (uint)ldci4.GetLdcI4Value(); return true; } return false; } static bool FindLKeys_v18_r75369(DecrypterInfo info) { var instrs = info.method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 8; i++) { var ldci8_1 = instrs[i]; if (ldci8_1.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldc_I8) continue; if (!instrs[i + 1].IsLdloc()) continue; if (instrs[i + 2].OpCode.Code != Code.Conv_U8) continue; if (instrs[i + 3].OpCode.Code != Code.Mul) continue; if (!instrs[i + 4].IsStloc()) continue; var ldci8_2 = instrs[i + 5]; if (ldci8_2.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldc_I8) continue; if (!instrs[i + 6].IsStloc()) continue; var ldci8_3 = instrs[i + 7]; if (ldci8_3.OpCode.Code != Code.Ldc_I8) continue; if (!instrs[i + 8].IsStloc()) continue; info.key0l = (ulong)(long)ldci8_1.Operand; info.key1l = (ulong)(long)ldci8_2.Operand; info.key2l = (ulong)(long)ldci8_3.Operand; return true; } return false; } static bool FindKey0_v18_r75369(DecrypterInfo info) { var instrs = info.method.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count - 4; i++) { if (!instrs[i].IsLdloc()) continue; if (instrs[i + 1].OpCode.Code != Code.Xor) continue; var ldci4 = instrs[i + 2]; if (!ldci4.IsLdcI4()) continue; if (instrs[i + 3].OpCode.Code != Code.Conv_U8) continue; if (instrs[i + 4].OpCode.Code != Code.Mul) continue; info.key0 = (uint)ldci4.GetLdcI4Value(); return true; } return false; } byte[] Decompress(byte[] compressed) { if (lzmaType != null) return ConfuserUtils.SevenZipDecompress(compressed); return DeobUtils.Inflate(compressed, true); } byte[] DecryptResource(byte[] encrypted) { switch (version) { case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_normal: return DecryptResource_v18_r75367_normal(encrypted); case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_dynamic: return DecryptResource_v18_r75367_dynamic(encrypted); case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_native: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_native: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_native: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_native: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_native: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_native: return DecryptResource_v18_r75367_native(encrypted); default: throw new ApplicationException("Unknown version"); } } byte[] GetSigKey() { return module.ReadBlob(key0d ^ installMethod.MDToken.ToUInt32()); } byte[] DecryptResource_v18_r75367_normal(byte[] encrypted) { var key = GetSigKey(); var decrypted = ConfuserUtils.Decrypt(BitConverter.ToUInt32(key, 12) * (uint)key0, encrypted); return Decompress(DeobUtils.AesDecrypt(decrypted, key, DeobUtils.Md5Sum(key))); } static int GetDynamicStartIndex(IList instrs, int ldlocIndex) { for (int i = ldlocIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (instrs[i].OpCode.FlowControl != FlowControl.Next) return i + 1; } return 0; } int GetDynamicEndIndex(int startIndex, Local local) { if (startIndex < 0) return -1; var instrs = installMethod.Body.Instructions; for (int i = startIndex; i < instrs.Count; i++) { var instr = instrs[i]; if (instr.IsStloc() && instr.GetLocal(installMethod.Body.Variables) == local) return i; } return -1; } Local GetDynamicLocal(out int instrIndex) { var instrs = installMethod.Body.Instructions; for (int i = 0; i < instrs.Count; i++) { i = ConfuserUtils.FindCallMethod(instrs, i, Code.Callvirt, "System.Void System.IO.BinaryWriter::Write(System.Byte)"); if (i < 0) break; int index = i - 2; if (index < 0) continue; var ldloc = instrs[index]; if (!ldloc.IsLdloc()) continue; if (instrs[index + 1].OpCode.Code != Code.Conv_U1) continue; instrIndex = index; return ldloc.GetLocal(installMethod.Body.Variables); } instrIndex = 0; return null; } byte[] DecryptResource_v18_r75367_dynamic(byte[] encrypted) { int ldlocIndex; var local = GetDynamicLocal(out ldlocIndex); if (local == null) throw new ApplicationException("Could not find local"); var instrs = installMethod.Body.Instructions; int startIndex = GetDynamicStartIndex(instrs, ldlocIndex); int endIndex = GetDynamicEndIndex(startIndex, local); if (endIndex < 0) throw new ApplicationException("Could not find endIndex"); var constReader = new ConstantsReader(installMethod); return DecryptResource(encrypted, magic => { constReader.SetConstantInt32(local, magic); int index = startIndex, result; if (!constReader.GetNextInt32(ref index, out result)) throw new ApplicationException("Could not get constant"); if (index != endIndex) throw new ApplicationException("Wrong constant"); return (byte)result; }); } byte[] DecryptResource_v18_r75367_native(byte[] encrypted) { using (var x86Emu = new x86Emulator(fileData)) return DecryptResource(encrypted, magic => (byte)x86Emu.Emulate((uint)nativeMethod.RVA, magic)); } byte[] DecryptResource(byte[] encrypted, Func decryptFunc) { var key = GetSigKey(); byte[] decrypted = DecryptAndDecompress(encrypted, key); var reader = MemoryImageStream.Create(decrypted); var result = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new BinaryWriter(result); while (reader.Position < reader.Length) { uint magic = reader.Read7BitEncodedUInt32(); writer.Write(decryptFunc(magic)); } return result.ToArray(); } byte[] DecryptAndDecompress(byte[] encrypted, byte[] key) { byte[] iv = DeobUtils.Md5Sum(key); try { return Decompress(DeobUtils.AesDecrypt(encrypted, key, iv)); } catch { return DeobUtils.AesDecrypt(Decompress(encrypted), key, iv); } } static bool VerifyGenericArg(MethodSpec gim, ElementType etype) { if (gim == null) return false; var gims = gim.GenericInstMethodSig; if (gims == null || gims.GenericArguments.Count != 1) return false; return gims.GenericArguments[0].GetElementType() == etype; } public string DecryptString(MethodDef method, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1, ulong magic2) { if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.String)) return null; var info = decrypters.Find(method); return info.DecryptString(magic1, magic2); } public object DecryptInt32(MethodDef method, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1, ulong magic2) { if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.I4)) return null; var info = decrypters.Find(method); return info.DecryptInt32(magic1, magic2); } public object DecryptInt64(MethodDef method, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1, ulong magic2) { if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.I8)) return null; var info = decrypters.Find(method); return info.DecryptInt64(magic1, magic2); } public object DecryptSingle(MethodDef method, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1, ulong magic2) { if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.R4)) return null; var info = decrypters.Find(method); return info.DecryptSingle(magic1, magic2); } public object DecryptDouble(MethodDef method, MethodSpec gim, uint magic1, ulong magic2) { if (!VerifyGenericArg(gim, ElementType.R8)) return null; var info = decrypters.Find(method); return info.DecryptDouble(magic1, magic2); } public void CleanUp() { if (installMethod == null) return; //TODO: Only remove its code installMethod.Body.Instructions.Clear(); installMethod.Body.Instructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ret)); } public bool GetRevisionRange(out int minRev, out int maxRev) { switch (version) { case ConfuserVersion.Unknown: minRev = maxRev = 0; return false; case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75367_native: minRev = 75367; maxRev = 75367; return true; case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v18_r75369_native: minRev = 75369; maxRev = 77124; return true; case ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r77172_native: minRev = 77172; maxRev = 77501; return true; case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78056_native: minRev = 78056; // r78964 removed code that made it impossible to differentiate it from this // version. All we know is that it can't be r78363-r78963. maxRev = 79440; return true; case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r78363_native: minRev = 78363; maxRev = 78963; return true; case ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_normal: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_dynamic: case ConfuserVersion.v19_r79630_native: minRev = 79630; maxRev = int.MaxValue; return true; default: throw new ApplicationException("Invalid version"); } } } }