/* Copyright (C) 2011-2013 de4dot@gmail.com This file is part of de4dot. de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with de4dot. If not, see . */ using System; using dnlib.DotNet; using dnlib.DotNet.Emit; using de4dot.blocks; namespace de4dot.code.deobfuscators.dotNET_Reactor.v4 { class AntiStrongName { TypeDef decrypterType; MethodDef antiStrongNameMethod; public AntiStrongName(TypeDef decrypterType) { this.decrypterType = decrypterType; Find(); } public void Find() { if (decrypterType == null) return; if (CheckType(decrypterType)) return; foreach (var type in decrypterType.NestedTypes) { if (CheckType(type)) return; } } bool CheckType(TypeDef type) { var requiredTypes = new string[] { "System.Byte[]", "System.IO.MemoryStream", "System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream", "System.Security.Cryptography.MD5", "System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael", }; foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (!method.IsStatic || method.Body == null) continue; var sig = method.MethodSig; if (sig == null || sig.Params.Count != 2) continue; if (!CheckType(sig.RetType, ElementType.String)) continue; if (!CheckType(sig.Params[0], ElementType.String)) continue; if (!CheckType(sig.Params[1], ElementType.String)) continue; var localTypes = new LocalTypes(method); if (!localTypes.All(requiredTypes)) continue; antiStrongNameMethod = method; return true; } return false; } static bool CheckType(TypeSig type, ElementType expectedType) { return type != null && (type.ElementType == ElementType.Object || type.ElementType == expectedType); } public bool Remove(Blocks blocks) { if (antiStrongNameMethod == null) return false; Block antiSnBlock; int numInstructions; if (!FindBlock(blocks, out antiSnBlock, out numInstructions)) return false; if (antiSnBlock.FallThrough == null || antiSnBlock.Targets == null || antiSnBlock.Targets.Count != 1) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid state"); var goodBlock = antiSnBlock.Targets[0]; var badBlock = antiSnBlock.FallThrough; antiSnBlock.ReplaceLastInstrsWithBranch(numInstructions, goodBlock); if (badBlock.FallThrough == badBlock && badBlock.Sources.Count == 1 && badBlock.Targets == null) { badBlock.Parent.RemoveGuaranteedDeadBlock(badBlock); return true; } if (badBlock.Instructions.Count <= 1 && badBlock.LastInstr.OpCode.Code == Code.Nop) { if (badBlock.FallThrough != null && badBlock.Targets == null && badBlock.Sources.Count == 0) { var badBlock2 = badBlock.FallThrough; if (badBlock2.FallThrough == badBlock2 && badBlock2.Sources.Count == 2 && badBlock2.Targets == null) { badBlock.Parent.RemoveGuaranteedDeadBlock(badBlock); badBlock2.Parent.RemoveGuaranteedDeadBlock(badBlock2); return true; } } } throw new ApplicationException("Invalid state"); } bool FindBlock(Blocks blocks, out Block foundBlock, out int numInstructions) { const int NUM_INSTRS = 11; foreach (var block in blocks.MethodBlocks.GetAllBlocks()) { if (!block.LastInstr.IsBrfalse()) continue; var instructions = block.Instructions; if (instructions.Count < NUM_INSTRS) continue; int i = instructions.Count - NUM_INSTRS; if (instructions[i].OpCode.Code != Code.Ldtoken) continue; if (!(instructions[i].Operand is ITypeDefOrRef)) continue; if (!CheckCall(instructions[i + 1], "System.Type System.Type::GetTypeFromHandle(System.RuntimeTypeHandle)")) continue; if (!CheckCall(instructions[i + 2], "System.Reflection.Assembly System.Type::get_Assembly()")) continue; if (!CheckCall(instructions[i + 3], "System.Reflection.AssemblyName System.Reflection.Assembly::GetName()")) continue; if (!CheckCall(instructions[i + 4], "System.Byte[] System.Reflection.AssemblyName::GetPublicKeyToken()")) continue; if (!CheckCall(instructions[i + 5], "System.String System.Convert::ToBase64String(System.Byte[])")) continue; if (instructions[i + 6].OpCode.Code != Code.Ldstr) continue; if (!CheckCall(instructions[i + 7], antiStrongNameMethod)) continue; if (instructions[i + 8].OpCode.Code != Code.Ldstr) continue; if (!CheckCall(instructions[i + 9], "System.Boolean System.String::op_Inequality(System.String,System.String)")) continue; numInstructions = NUM_INSTRS; foundBlock = block; return true; } foundBlock = null; numInstructions = 0; return false; } static bool CheckCall(Instr instr, string methodFullName) { if (instr.OpCode.Code != Code.Call && instr.OpCode.Code != Code.Callvirt) return false; var calledMethod = instr.Operand as IMethod; if (calledMethod == null) return false; return calledMethod.FullName == methodFullName; } static bool CheckCall(Instr instr, IMethod expectedMethod) { if (instr.OpCode.Code != Code.Call && instr.OpCode.Code != Code.Callvirt) return false; var calledMethod = instr.Operand as IMethod; if (calledMethod == null) return false; return MethodEqualityComparer.CompareDeclaringTypes.Equals(calledMethod, expectedMethod); } } }