/* Copyright (C) 2011-2015 de4dot@gmail.com This file is part of de4dot. de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with de4dot. If not, see . */ using System; namespace de4dot.blocks.cflow { public class Int32Value : Value { public static readonly Int32Value Zero = new Int32Value(0); public static readonly Int32Value One = new Int32Value(1); internal const uint NO_UNKNOWN_BITS = uint.MaxValue; public readonly int Value; public readonly uint ValidMask; public Int32Value(int value) : base(ValueType.Int32) { this.Value = value; this.ValidMask = NO_UNKNOWN_BITS; } public Int32Value(int value, uint validMask) : base(ValueType.Int32) { this.Value = value; this.ValidMask = validMask; } public bool HasUnknownBits() { return ValidMask != NO_UNKNOWN_BITS; } public bool AllBitsValid() { return !HasUnknownBits(); } bool IsBitValid(int n) { return IsBitValid(ValidMask, n); } static bool IsBitValid(uint validMask, int n) { return (validMask & (1U << n)) != 0; } bool AreBitsValid(uint bitsToTest) { return (ValidMask & bitsToTest) == bitsToTest; } public static Int32Value CreateUnknownBool() { return new Int32Value(0, NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 1); } public static Int32Value CreateUnknownUInt8() { return new Int32Value(0, NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 8); } public static Int32Value CreateUnknownUInt16() { return new Int32Value(0, NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 16); } public static Int32Value CreateUnknown() { return new Int32Value(0, 0U); } public bool IsZero() { return HasValue(0); } public bool IsNonZero() { return ((uint)Value & ValidMask) != 0; } public bool HasValue(int value) { return AllBitsValid() && this.Value == value; } public bool HasValue(uint value) { return HasValue((int)value); } public Int32Value ToBoolean() { if (IsNonZero()) return new Int32Value(1, NO_UNKNOWN_BITS); if (IsZero()) return this; return CreateUnknownBool(); } public Int32Value ToInt8() { return Conv_I1(this); } public Int32Value ToUInt8() { return Conv_U1(this); } public Int32Value ToInt16() { return Conv_I2(this); } public Int32Value ToUInt16() { return Conv_U2(this); } public static Int32Value Conv_U1(Int32Value a) { return Conv_U1(a.Value, a.ValidMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_U1(Int64Value a) { return Conv_U1((int)a.Value, (uint)a.ValidMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_U1(int value, uint validMask) { value = (int)(byte)value; validMask |= NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 8; return new Int32Value(value, validMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_U1(Real8Value a) { if (!a.IsValid) return CreateUnknownUInt8(); return new Int32Value((int)(byte)a.Value); } public static Int32Value Conv_I1(Int32Value a) { return Conv_I1(a.Value, a.ValidMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_I1(Int64Value a) { return Conv_I1((int)a.Value, (uint)a.ValidMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_I1(int value, uint validMask) { value = (int)(sbyte)value; if (IsBitValid(validMask, 7)) validMask |= NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 8; else validMask &= ~(NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 8); return new Int32Value(value, validMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_I1(Real8Value a) { if (!a.IsValid) return CreateUnknown(); return new Int32Value((int)(sbyte)a.Value); } public static Int32Value Conv_U2(Int32Value a) { return Conv_U2(a.Value, a.ValidMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_U2(Int64Value a) { return Conv_U2((int)a.Value, (uint)a.ValidMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_U2(int value, uint validMask) { value = (int)(ushort)value; validMask |= NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 16; return new Int32Value(value, validMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_U2(Real8Value a) { if (!a.IsValid) return CreateUnknownUInt16(); return new Int32Value((int)(ushort)a.Value); } public static Int32Value Conv_I2(Int32Value a) { return Conv_I2(a.Value, a.ValidMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_I2(Int64Value a) { return Conv_I2((int)a.Value, (uint)a.ValidMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_I2(int value, uint validMask) { value = (int)(short)value; if (IsBitValid(validMask, 15)) validMask |= NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 16; else validMask &= ~(NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 16); return new Int32Value(value, validMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_I2(Real8Value a) { if (!a.IsValid) return CreateUnknown(); return new Int32Value((int)(short)a.Value); } public static Int32Value Conv_U4(Int32Value a) { return a; } public static Int32Value Conv_U4(Int64Value a) { return new Int32Value((int)(uint)a.Value, (uint)a.ValidMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_U4(Real8Value a) { if (!a.IsValid) return CreateUnknown(); return new Int32Value((int)(uint)a.Value); } public static Int32Value Conv_I4(Int32Value a) { return a; } public static Int32Value Conv_I4(Int64Value a) { return new Int32Value((int)a.Value, (uint)a.ValidMask); } public static Int32Value Conv_I4(Real8Value a) { if (!a.IsValid) return CreateUnknown(); return new Int32Value((int)a.Value); } bool CheckSign(uint mask) { return ((uint)Value & mask) == 0 || ((uint)Value & mask) == mask; } public static Int32Value Conv_Ovf_I1(Int32Value a) { if (!a.AreBitsValid(NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 7) || !a.CheckSign(NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 7)) return CreateUnknown(); return Conv_I1(a); } public static Int32Value Conv_Ovf_I1_Un(Int32Value a) { if (!a.AreBitsValid(NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 7) || (uint)a.Value > sbyte.MaxValue) return CreateUnknown(); return Conv_I1(a); } public static Int32Value Conv_Ovf_I2(Int32Value a) { if (!a.AreBitsValid(NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 15) || !a.CheckSign(NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 15)) return CreateUnknown(); return Conv_I2(a); } public static Int32Value Conv_Ovf_I2_Un(Int32Value a) { if (!a.AreBitsValid(NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 15) || (uint)a.Value > short.MaxValue) return CreateUnknown(); return Conv_I2(a); } public static Int32Value Conv_Ovf_I4(Int32Value a) { return a; } public static Int32Value Conv_Ovf_I4_Un(Int32Value a) { if (!IsBitValid(a.ValidMask, 31) || a.Value < 0) return CreateUnknown(); return a; } public static Int64Value Conv_Ovf_I8(Int32Value a) { ulong validMask = a.ValidMask; if (IsBitValid(a.ValidMask, 31)) validMask |= Int64Value.NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 32; return new Int64Value(a.Value, validMask); } public static Int64Value Conv_Ovf_I8_Un(Int32Value a) { return new Int64Value((long)(uint)a.Value, a.ValidMask | (Int64Value.NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 32)); } public static Int32Value Conv_Ovf_U1(Int32Value a) { if (!a.AreBitsValid(NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 7) || a.Value < 0 || a.Value > byte.MaxValue) return CreateUnknownUInt8(); return Conv_U1(a); } public static Int32Value Conv_Ovf_U1_Un(Int32Value a) { if (!a.AreBitsValid(NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 8) || (uint)a.Value > byte.MaxValue) return CreateUnknownUInt8(); return Conv_U1(a); } public static Int32Value Conv_Ovf_U2(Int32Value a) { if (!a.AreBitsValid(NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 15) || a.Value < 0 || a.Value > ushort.MaxValue) return CreateUnknownUInt16(); return Conv_U2(a); } public static Int32Value Conv_Ovf_U2_Un(Int32Value a) { if (!a.AreBitsValid(NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 16) || (uint)a.Value > ushort.MaxValue) return CreateUnknownUInt16(); return Conv_U2(a); } public static Int32Value Conv_Ovf_U4(Int32Value a) { if (!IsBitValid(a.ValidMask, 31) || a.Value < 0) return CreateUnknown(); return a; } public static Int32Value Conv_Ovf_U4_Un(Int32Value a) { return a; } public static Int64Value Conv_Ovf_U8(Int32Value a) { if (!IsBitValid(a.ValidMask, 31) || a.Value < 0) return Int64Value.CreateUnknown(); return new Int64Value(a.Value, (ulong)a.ValidMask | (Int64Value.NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 32)); } public static Int64Value Conv_Ovf_U8_Un(Int32Value a) { return new Int64Value((long)(uint)a.Value, a.ValidMask | (Int64Value.NO_UNKNOWN_BITS << 32)); } public static Real8Value Conv_R_Un(Int32Value a) { if (a.AllBitsValid()) return new Real8Value((float)(uint)a.Value); return Real8Value.CreateUnknown(); } public static Real8Value Conv_R4(Int32Value a) { if (a.AllBitsValid()) return new Real8Value((float)(int)a.Value); return Real8Value.CreateUnknown(); } public static Real8Value Conv_R8(Int32Value a) { if (a.AllBitsValid()) return new Real8Value((double)(int)a.Value); return Real8Value.CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Add(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) return new Int32Value(a.Value + b.Value); if (ReferenceEquals(a, b)) return new Int32Value(a.Value << 1, (a.ValidMask << 1) | 1); return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Sub(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) return new Int32Value(a.Value - b.Value); if (ReferenceEquals(a, b)) return Zero; return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Mul(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) return new Int32Value(a.Value * b.Value); if (a.IsZero() || b.IsZero()) return Zero; if (a.HasValue(1)) return b; if (b.HasValue(1)) return a; return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Div(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) { try { return new Int32Value(a.Value / b.Value); } catch (ArithmeticException) { return CreateUnknown(); } } if (ReferenceEquals(a, b) && a.IsNonZero()) return One; if (b.HasValue(1)) return a; return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Div_Un(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) { try { return new Int32Value((int)((uint)a.Value / (uint)b.Value)); } catch (ArithmeticException) { return CreateUnknown(); } } if (ReferenceEquals(a, b) && a.IsNonZero()) return One; if (b.HasValue(1)) return a; return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Rem(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) { try { return new Int32Value(a.Value % b.Value); } catch (ArithmeticException) { return CreateUnknown(); } } if ((ReferenceEquals(a, b) && a.IsNonZero()) || b.HasValue(1)) return Zero; return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Rem_Un(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) { try { return new Int32Value((int)((uint)a.Value % (uint)b.Value)); } catch (ArithmeticException) { return CreateUnknown(); } } if ((ReferenceEquals(a, b) && a.IsNonZero()) || b.HasValue(1)) return Zero; return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Neg(Int32Value a) { if (a.AllBitsValid()) return new Int32Value(-a.Value); return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Add_Ovf(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) { try { return new Int32Value(checked(a.Value + b.Value)); } catch (OverflowException) { } } return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Add_Ovf_Un(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) { uint aa = (uint)a.Value, bb = (uint)b.Value; try { return new Int32Value((int)checked(aa + bb)); } catch (OverflowException) { } } return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Sub_Ovf(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) { try { return new Int32Value(checked(a.Value - b.Value)); } catch (OverflowException) { } } return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Sub_Ovf_Un(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) { uint aa = (uint)a.Value, bb = (uint)b.Value; try { return new Int32Value((int)checked(aa - bb)); } catch (OverflowException) { } } return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Mul_Ovf(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) { try { return new Int32Value(checked(a.Value * b.Value)); } catch (OverflowException) { } } return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value Mul_Ovf_Un(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) { uint aa = (uint)a.Value, bb = (uint)b.Value; try { return new Int32Value((int)checked(aa * bb)); } catch (OverflowException) { } } return CreateUnknown(); } public static Int32Value And(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { int av = a.Value, bv = b.Value; uint am = a.ValidMask, bm = b.ValidMask; return new Int32Value(av & bv, (am & bm) | (((uint)av & am) ^ am) | (((uint)bv & bm) ^ bm)); } public static Int32Value Or(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { int av = a.Value, bv = b.Value; uint am = a.ValidMask, bm = b.ValidMask; return new Int32Value(av | bv, (am & bm) | ((uint)av & am) | ((uint)bv & bm)); } public static Int32Value Xor(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (ReferenceEquals(a, b)) return Zero; int av = a.Value, bv = b.Value; uint am = a.ValidMask, bm = b.ValidMask; return new Int32Value(av ^ bv, am & bm); } public static Int32Value Not(Int32Value a) { return new Int32Value(~a.Value, a.ValidMask); } public static Int32Value Shl(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (b.HasUnknownBits()) return CreateUnknown(); if (b.Value == 0) return a; if (b.Value < 0 || b.Value >= sizeof(int) * 8) return CreateUnknown(); int shift = b.Value; uint validMask = (a.ValidMask << shift) | (uint.MaxValue >> (sizeof(int) * 8 - shift)); return new Int32Value(a.Value << shift, validMask); } public static Int32Value Shr(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (b.HasUnknownBits()) return CreateUnknown(); if (b.Value == 0) return a; if (b.Value < 0 || b.Value >= sizeof(int) * 8) return CreateUnknown(); int shift = b.Value; uint validMask = a.ValidMask >> shift; if (a.IsBitValid(sizeof(int) * 8 - 1)) validMask |= (uint.MaxValue << (sizeof(int) * 8 - shift)); return new Int32Value(a.Value >> shift, validMask); } public static Int32Value Shr_Un(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (b.HasUnknownBits()) return CreateUnknown(); if (b.Value == 0) return a; if (b.Value < 0 || b.Value >= sizeof(int) * 8) return CreateUnknown(); int shift = b.Value; uint validMask = (a.ValidMask >> shift) | (uint.MaxValue << (sizeof(int) * 8 - shift)); return new Int32Value((int)((uint)a.Value >> shift), validMask); } public static Int32Value Create(Bool3 b) { switch (b) { case Bool3.False: return Zero; case Bool3.True: return One; default: return CreateUnknownBool(); } } public static Int32Value Ceq(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { return Create(CompareEq(a, b)); } public static Int32Value Cgt(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { return Create(CompareGt(a, b)); } public static Int32Value Cgt_Un(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { return Create(CompareGt_Un(a, b)); } public static Int32Value Clt(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { return Create(CompareLt(a, b)); } public static Int32Value Clt_Un(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { return Create(CompareLt_Un(a, b)); } public static Bool3 CompareEq(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) return a.Value == b.Value ? Bool3.True : Bool3.False; if (ReferenceEquals(a, b)) return Bool3.True; if (((uint)a.Value & a.ValidMask & b.ValidMask) != ((uint)b.Value & a.ValidMask & b.ValidMask)) return Bool3.False; return Bool3.Unknown; } public static Bool3 CompareNeq(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) return a.Value != b.Value ? Bool3.True : Bool3.False; if (ReferenceEquals(a, b)) return Bool3.False; if (((uint)a.Value & a.ValidMask & b.ValidMask) != ((uint)b.Value & a.ValidMask & b.ValidMask)) return Bool3.True; return Bool3.Unknown; } public static Bool3 CompareGt(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) return a.Value > b.Value ? Bool3.True : Bool3.False; if (a.HasValue(int.MinValue)) return Bool3.False; // min > x => false if (b.HasValue(int.MaxValue)) return Bool3.False; // x > max => false return Bool3.Unknown; } public static Bool3 CompareGt_Un(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) return (uint)a.Value > (uint)b.Value ? Bool3.True : Bool3.False; if (a.HasValue(uint.MinValue)) return Bool3.False; // min > x => false if (b.HasValue(uint.MaxValue)) return Bool3.False; // x > max => false return Bool3.Unknown; } public static Bool3 CompareGe(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) return a.Value >= b.Value ? Bool3.True : Bool3.False; if (a.HasValue(int.MaxValue)) return Bool3.True; // max >= x => true if (b.HasValue(int.MinValue)) return Bool3.True; // x >= min => true return Bool3.Unknown; } public static Bool3 CompareGe_Un(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) return (uint)a.Value >= (uint)b.Value ? Bool3.True : Bool3.False; if (a.HasValue(uint.MaxValue)) return Bool3.True; // max >= x => true if (b.HasValue(uint.MinValue)) return Bool3.True; // x >= min => true return Bool3.Unknown; } public static Bool3 CompareLe(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) return a.Value <= b.Value ? Bool3.True : Bool3.False; if (a.HasValue(int.MinValue)) return Bool3.True; // min <= x => true if (b.HasValue(int.MaxValue)) return Bool3.True; // x <= max => true return Bool3.Unknown; } public static Bool3 CompareLe_Un(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) return (uint)a.Value <= (uint)b.Value ? Bool3.True : Bool3.False; if (a.HasValue(uint.MinValue)) return Bool3.True; // min <= x => true if (b.HasValue(uint.MaxValue)) return Bool3.True; // x <= max => true return Bool3.Unknown; } public static Bool3 CompareLt(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) return a.Value < b.Value ? Bool3.True : Bool3.False; if (a.HasValue(int.MaxValue)) return Bool3.False; // max < x => false if (b.HasValue(int.MinValue)) return Bool3.False; // x < min => false return Bool3.Unknown; } public static Bool3 CompareLt_Un(Int32Value a, Int32Value b) { if (a.AllBitsValid() && b.AllBitsValid()) return (uint)a.Value < (uint)b.Value ? Bool3.True : Bool3.False; if (a.HasValue(uint.MaxValue)) return Bool3.False; // max < x => false if (b.HasValue(uint.MinValue)) return Bool3.False; // x < min => false return Bool3.Unknown; } public static Bool3 CompareTrue(Int32Value a) { if (a.AllBitsValid()) return a.Value != 0 ? Bool3.True : Bool3.False; if (((uint)a.Value & a.ValidMask) != 0) return Bool3.True; return Bool3.Unknown; } public static Bool3 CompareFalse(Int32Value a) { if (a.AllBitsValid()) return a.Value == 0 ? Bool3.True : Bool3.False; if (((uint)a.Value & a.ValidMask) != 0) return Bool3.False; return Bool3.Unknown; } public override string ToString() { if (AllBitsValid()) return Value.ToString(); return string.Format("0x{0:X8}({1:X8})", Value, ValidMask); } } }