/* Copyright (C) 2011 de4dot@gmail.com This file is part of de4dot. de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with de4dot. If not, see . */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; using Mono.MyStuff; using de4dot.blocks; namespace de4dot.deobfuscators { abstract class DeobfuscatorBase : IDeobfuscator { public const string DEFAULT_VALID_NAME_REGEX = @"^[a-zA-Z_<{$][a-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$"; class RemoveInfo { public T obj; public string reason; public RemoveInfo(T obj, string reason) { this.obj = obj; this.reason = reason; } } OptionsBase optionsBase; protected ModuleDefinition module; protected StaticStringDecrypter staticStringDecrypter = new StaticStringDecrypter(); IList> typesToRemove = new List>(); IList> methodsToRemove = new List>(); IList> fieldsToRemove = new List>(); IList> attrsToRemove = new List>(); IList> resourcesToRemove = new List>(); IList> modrefsToRemove = new List>(); List namesToPossiblyRemove = new List(); MethodCallRemover methodCallRemover = new MethodCallRemover(); internal class OptionsBase : IDeobfuscatorOptions { public bool RenameResourcesInCode { get; set; } public NameRegexes ValidNameRegex { get; set; } public bool DecryptStrings { get; set; } public OptionsBase() { RenameResourcesInCode = true; } } public IDeobfuscatorOptions TheOptions { get { return optionsBase; } } public IOperations Operations { get; set; } public IDeobfuscatedFile DeobfuscatedFile { get; set; } public virtual StringFeatures StringFeatures { get; set; } public virtual RenamingOptions RenamingOptions { get; set; } public DecrypterType DefaultDecrypterType { get; set; } public abstract string Type { get; } public abstract string TypeLong { get; } public abstract string Name { get; } public virtual bool CanInlineMethods { get { return false; } } public DeobfuscatorBase(OptionsBase optionsBase) { this.optionsBase = optionsBase; StringFeatures = StringFeatures.AllowAll; DefaultDecrypterType = DecrypterType.Static; } public virtual void init(ModuleDefinition module) { setModule(module); } protected void setModule(ModuleDefinition module) { this.module = module; } protected virtual bool checkValidName(string name) { return optionsBase.ValidNameRegex.isMatch(name); } public virtual int earlyDetect() { return 0; } public virtual int detect() { scanForObfuscator(); return detectInternal(); } protected abstract void scanForObfuscator(); protected abstract int detectInternal(); public virtual bool getDecryptedModule(ref byte[] newFileData, ref Dictionary dumpedMethods) { return false; } public virtual IDeobfuscator moduleReloaded(ModuleDefinition module) { throw new ApplicationException("moduleReloaded() must be overridden by the deobfuscator"); } public virtual void deobfuscateBegin() { } public virtual void deobfuscateMethodBegin(Blocks blocks) { } public virtual void deobfuscateMethodEnd(Blocks blocks) { removeMethodCalls(blocks); } public virtual void deobfuscateStrings(Blocks blocks) { if (staticStringDecrypter.HasHandlers) staticStringDecrypter.decrypt(blocks); } public virtual bool deobfuscateOther(Blocks blocks) { return false; } public virtual void deobfuscateEnd() { if (!Operations.KeepObfuscatorTypes) { deleteEmptyCctors(); deleteMethods(); deleteFields(); deleteCustomAttributes(); deleteOtherAttributes(); // Delete types after removing methods, fields, and attributes. The reason is // that the Scope property will be null if we remove a type. Comparing a // typeref with a typedef will then fail. deleteTypes(); deleteDllResources(); deleteModuleReferences(); } } public virtual IEnumerable getStringDecrypterMethods() { return new List(); } class MethodCallRemover { Dictionary> methodNameInfos = new Dictionary>(StringComparer.Ordinal); Dictionary> methodRefInfos = new Dictionary>(); void checkMethod(MethodReference methodToBeRemoved) { if (methodToBeRemoved.Parameters.Count != 0) throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Method takes params: {0}", methodToBeRemoved)); if (DotNetUtils.hasReturnValue(methodToBeRemoved)) throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Method has a return value: {0}", methodToBeRemoved)); } public void add(string method, MethodReference methodToBeRemoved) { if (methodToBeRemoved == null) return; checkMethod(methodToBeRemoved); Dictionary dict; if (!methodNameInfos.TryGetValue(method, out dict)) methodNameInfos[method] = dict = new Dictionary(); dict[new MethodReferenceAndDeclaringTypeKey(methodToBeRemoved)] = true; } public void add(MethodDefinition method, MethodReference methodToBeRemoved) { if (method == null || methodToBeRemoved == null) return; checkMethod(methodToBeRemoved); Dictionary dict; var methodKey = new MethodReferenceAndDeclaringTypeKey(method); if (!methodRefInfos.TryGetValue(methodKey, out dict)) methodRefInfos[methodKey] = dict = new Dictionary(); dict[new MethodReferenceAndDeclaringTypeKey(methodToBeRemoved)] = true; } public void removeAll(Blocks blocks) { var allBlocks = blocks.MethodBlocks.getAllBlocks(); removeAll(allBlocks, blocks, blocks.Method.Name); removeAll(allBlocks, blocks, blocks.Method); } void removeAll(IList allBlocks, Blocks blocks, string method) { Dictionary info; if (!methodNameInfos.TryGetValue(method, out info)) return; removeCalls(allBlocks, blocks, info); } void removeAll(IList allBlocks, Blocks blocks, MethodDefinition method) { Dictionary info; if (!methodRefInfos.TryGetValue(new MethodReferenceAndDeclaringTypeKey(method), out info)) return; removeCalls(allBlocks, blocks, info); } void removeCalls(IList allBlocks, Blocks blocks, Dictionary info) { var instrsToDelete = new List(); foreach (var block in allBlocks) { instrsToDelete.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < block.Instructions.Count; i++) { var instr = block.Instructions[i]; if (instr.OpCode != OpCodes.Call) continue; var destMethod = instr.Operand as MethodReference; if (destMethod == null) continue; var key = new MethodReferenceAndDeclaringTypeKey(destMethod); if (info.ContainsKey(key)) { Log.v("Removed call to {0}", destMethod); instrsToDelete.Add(i); } } block.remove(instrsToDelete); } } } public void addCctorInitCallToBeRemoved(MethodReference methodToBeRemoved) { methodCallRemover.add(".cctor", methodToBeRemoved); } public void addModuleCctorInitCallToBeRemoved(MethodReference methodToBeRemoved) { methodCallRemover.add(DotNetUtils.getMethod(DotNetUtils.getModuleType(module), ".cctor"), methodToBeRemoved); } public void addCallToBeRemoved(MethodDefinition method, MethodReference methodToBeRemoved) { methodCallRemover.add(method, methodToBeRemoved); } void removeMethodCalls(Blocks blocks) { methodCallRemover.removeAll(blocks); } protected void addMethodsToBeRemoved(IEnumerable methods, string reason) { foreach (var method in methods) addMethodToBeRemoved(method, reason); } protected void addMethodToBeRemoved(MethodDefinition method, string reason) { methodsToRemove.Add(new RemoveInfo(method, reason)); } protected void addFieldsToBeRemoved(IEnumerable fields, string reason) { foreach (var field in fields) addFieldToBeRemoved(field, reason); } protected void addFieldToBeRemoved(FieldDefinition field, string reason) { fieldsToRemove.Add(new RemoveInfo(field, reason)); } protected void addAttributeToBeRemoved(TypeDefinition attr, string reason) { addTypeToBeRemoved(attr, reason); attrsToRemove.Add(new RemoveInfo(attr, reason)); } protected void addTypesToBeRemoved(IEnumerable types, string reason) { foreach (var type in types) addTypeToBeRemoved(type, reason); } protected void addTypeToBeRemoved(TypeDefinition type, string reason) { typesToRemove.Add(new RemoveInfo(type, reason)); } protected void addResourceToBeRemoved(Resource resource, string reason) { resourcesToRemove.Add(new RemoveInfo(resource, reason)); } protected void addModuleReferenceToBeRemoved(ModuleReference modref, string reason) { modrefsToRemove.Add(new RemoveInfo(modref, reason)); } void deleteEmptyCctors() { var emptyCctorsToRemove = new List(); foreach (var type in module.GetTypes()) { var cctor = DotNetUtils.getMethod(type, ".cctor"); if (cctor != null && DotNetUtils.isEmpty(cctor)) emptyCctorsToRemove.Add(cctor); } if (emptyCctorsToRemove.Count == 0) return; Log.v("Removing empty .cctor methods"); Log.indent(); foreach (var cctor in emptyCctorsToRemove) { var type = cctor.DeclaringType; if (type.Methods.Remove(cctor)) Log.v("{0:X8}, type: {1} ({2:X8})", cctor.MetadataToken.ToUInt32(), type, type.MetadataToken.ToUInt32()); } Log.deIndent(); } void deleteMethods() { if (methodsToRemove.Count == 0) return; Log.v("Removing methods"); Log.indent(); foreach (var info in methodsToRemove) { var method = info.obj; if (method == null) continue; var type = method.DeclaringType; if (type.Methods.Remove(method)) Log.v("Removed method {0} ({1:X8}) (Type: {2}) (reason: {3})", method, method.MetadataToken.ToUInt32(), type, info.reason); } Log.deIndent(); } void deleteFields() { if (fieldsToRemove.Count == 0) return; Log.v("Removing fields"); Log.indent(); foreach (var info in fieldsToRemove) { var field = info.obj; if (field == null) continue; var type = field.DeclaringType; if (type.Fields.Remove(field)) Log.v("Removed field {0} ({1:X8}) (Type: {2}) (reason: {3})", field, field.MetadataToken.ToUInt32(), type, info.reason); } Log.deIndent(); } void deleteTypes() { var types = module.Types; if (types == null || typesToRemove.Count == 0) return; Log.v("Removing types"); Log.indent(); foreach (var info in typesToRemove) { var typeDef = info.obj; if (typeDef == null) continue; if (types.Remove(typeDef)) Log.v("Removed type {0} ({1:X8}) (reason: {2})", typeDef, typeDef.MetadataToken.ToUInt32(), info.reason); } Log.deIndent(); } void deleteCustomAttributes() { if (attrsToRemove.Count == 0) return; Log.v("Removing custom attributes"); Log.indent(); deleteCustomAttributes(module.CustomAttributes); if (module.Assembly != null) deleteCustomAttributes(module.Assembly.CustomAttributes); Log.deIndent(); } void deleteCustomAttributes(IList customAttrs) { if (customAttrs == null) return; foreach (var info in attrsToRemove) { var typeDef = info.obj; if (typeDef == null) continue; for (int i = 0; i < customAttrs.Count; i++) { if (MemberReferenceHelper.compareTypes(customAttrs[i].AttributeType, typeDef)) { customAttrs.RemoveAt(i); Log.v("Removed custom attribute {0} ({1:X8}) (reason: {2})", typeDef, typeDef.MetadataToken.ToUInt32(), info.reason); break; } } } } void deleteOtherAttributes() { Log.v("Removing other attributes"); Log.indent(); deleteOtherAttributes(module.CustomAttributes); if (module.Assembly != null) deleteOtherAttributes(module.Assembly.CustomAttributes); Log.deIndent(); } void deleteOtherAttributes(IList customAttributes) { for (int i = customAttributes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var attr = customAttributes[i].AttributeType; if (attr.FullName == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.SuppressIldasmAttribute") { Log.v("Removed attribute {0}", attr.FullName); customAttributes.RemoveAt(i); } } } void deleteDllResources() { if (!module.HasResources || resourcesToRemove.Count == 0) return; Log.v("Removing resources"); Log.indent(); foreach (var info in resourcesToRemove) { var resource = info.obj; if (resource == null) continue; if (module.Resources.Remove(resource)) Log.v("Removed resource {0} (reason: {1})", Utils.toCsharpString(resource.Name), info.reason); } Log.deIndent(); } void deleteModuleReferences() { if (!module.HasModuleReferences || modrefsToRemove.Count == 0) return; Log.v("Removing module references"); Log.indent(); foreach (var info in modrefsToRemove) { var modref = info.obj; if (modref == null) continue; if (module.ModuleReferences.Remove(modref)) Log.v("Removed module reference {0} (reason: {1})", modref, info.reason); } Log.deIndent(); } public override string ToString() { return Name; } protected void findPossibleNamesToRemove(MethodDefinition method) { if (method == null || !method.HasBody) return; foreach (var instr in method.Body.Instructions) { if (instr.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldstr) namesToPossiblyRemove.Add((string)instr.Operand); } } protected void addResources(string reason) { if (!module.HasResources) return; foreach (var name in namesToPossiblyRemove) { foreach (var resource in module.Resources) { if (resource.Name == name) { addResourceToBeRemoved(resource, reason); break; } } } } protected void addModuleReferences(string reason) { if (!module.HasModuleReferences) return; foreach (var name in namesToPossiblyRemove) { foreach (var moduleRef in module.ModuleReferences) { if (Utils.StartsWith(moduleRef.Name, name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) addModuleReferenceToBeRemoved(moduleRef, reason); } } } protected void removeProxyDelegates(ProxyDelegateFinderBase proxyDelegateFinder) { addTypesToBeRemoved(proxyDelegateFinder.DelegateTypes, "Proxy delegate type"); if (proxyDelegateFinder.RemovedDelegateCreatorCalls > 0) addTypesToBeRemoved(proxyDelegateFinder.DelegateCreatorTypes, "Proxy delegate creator type"); } protected Resource getResource(IEnumerable strings) { return DotNetUtils.getResource(module, strings); } protected CustomAttribute getAssemblyAttribute(TypeReference attr) { var list = new List(DotNetUtils.findAttributes(module.Assembly, attr)); return list.Count == 0 ? null : list[0]; } public bool isValidNamespaceName(string ns) { return ns != null && checkValidName(ns); } public bool isValidTypeName(string name) { return name != null && checkValidName(name); } public bool isValidMethodName(string name) { return name != null && checkValidName(name); } public bool isValidPropertyName(string name) { return name != null && checkValidName(name); } public bool isValidEventName(string name) { return name != null && checkValidName(name); } public bool isValidFieldName(string name) { return name != null && checkValidName(name); } public bool isValidGenericParamName(string name) { return name != null && checkValidName(name); } public bool isValidMethodArgName(string name) { return name != null && checkValidName(name); } } }