
416 lines
17 KiB
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using de4dot.blocks;
using de4dot.blocks.cflow;
using de4dot.code.deobfuscators.ConfuserEx.x86;
using dnlib.DotNet;
using dnlib.DotNet.Emit;
namespace de4dot.code.deobfuscators.ConfuserEx
internal class Context
public int ByteNum;
public MethodDef CreateMethod;
public uint FieldToken;
public Context(uint fieldToken, int byteNum, MethodDef createMethod)
FieldToken = fieldToken;
ByteNum = byteNum; // 2nd parameter of the Delegate CreateMethod
CreateMethod = createMethod;
internal class ProxyCallFixer : ProxyCallFixer4
private readonly InstructionEmulator _instructionEmulator = new InstructionEmulator();
private readonly List<MethodDef> _processedMethods = new List<MethodDef>();
private readonly ISimpleDeobfuscator _simpleDeobfuscator;
public List<TypeDef> AttributeTypes = new List<TypeDef>();
public List<MethodDef> DelegateCreatorMethods = new List<MethodDef>();
public List<MethodDef> NativeMethods = new List<MethodDef>();
public ProxyCallFixer(ModuleDefMD module, ISimpleDeobfuscator simpleDeobfuscator) : base(module)
_simpleDeobfuscator = simpleDeobfuscator;
public ProxyCallFixer(ModuleDefMD module, ProxyCallFixer4 oldOne) : base(module, oldOne)
protected override object CheckCctor(TypeDef type, MethodDef cctor)
if (!_processedMethods.Contains(cctor))
var contexts = new List<Context>();
var instructions = cctor.Body.Instructions;
instructions.SimplifyMacros(cctor.Body.Variables, cctor.Parameters);
for (var i = 0; i < instructions.Count; i++)
var instrs =
DotNetUtils.GetInstructions(instructions, i, OpCodes.Ldtoken, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, OpCodes.Call);
if (instrs == null)
var fieldToken = ((IField) instrs[0].Operand).MDToken.ToUInt32();
var byteNum = (int) instrs[1].Operand;
var createMethod = instrs[2].Operand as MethodDef;
if (!DelegateCreatorMethods.Contains(createMethod))
contexts.Add(new Context(fieldToken, byteNum, createMethod));
return contexts.Count == 0 ? null : contexts;
private void DeobfuscateIfNeeded(MethodDef method)
if (!_processedMethods.Contains(method))
private byte[] GetExtraDataToken(byte[] sigData)
var extraData = new byte[4];
// [original signature] [extra signature]
// ... X C0 X X X
Array.Copy(sigData, sigData.Length - 3, extraData, 1, 3); // last 3 bytes of signature
extraData[0] = sigData[sigData.Length - 5]; // the byte before C0
Array.Reverse(extraData); // decryptorMethod reads the bytes backwards
return extraData;
protected override void GetCallInfo(object context, FieldDef field, out IMethod calledMethod,
out OpCode callOpcode)
var contexts = (List<Context>) context;
var ctx = contexts.First(c => c.FieldToken == field.MDToken.ToInt32());
var originalMethod =
.CreateMethod); // backup original method and restore because changes are not universal
var instructions = ctx.CreateMethod.Body.Instructions;
var variables = ctx.CreateMethod.Body.Variables;
var parameters = ctx.CreateMethod.Parameters;
instructions.SimplifyMacros(variables, parameters);
var sigData = module.ReadBlob(ctx.FieldToken);
var extraDataToken = GetExtraDataToken(sigData);
var modifierMDToken = ((CModOptSig) field.FieldType).Modifier.MDToken.ToInt32();
ReplaceMetadataToken(ref instructions, modifierMDToken, variables[0]);
ReplaceFieldNameChars(ref instructions, field.Name, variables[0]);
InlineArrays(ref instructions, extraDataToken, variables[1], variables[2]);
RemoveDecrementorBlock(ref instructions, variables[2]);
var firstInstruction = GetEmulationStartIndex(instructions, variables[1], variables[2]);
var lastInstruction =
i => i.OpCode == OpCodes.Callvirt && i.Operand.ToString().Contains("GetCustomAttributes"))) - 4;
var nativeMode = false;
if (instructions[lastInstruction - 1].OpCode == OpCodes.Call) // x86 protection
lastInstruction--; // don't try emulating native method
nativeMode = true;
var result = EmulateManagedMethod(ctx.CreateMethod, firstInstruction, lastInstruction);
if (nativeMode)
var nativeMethod = (MethodDef) instructions[lastInstruction].Operand;
if (!NativeMethods.Contains(nativeMethod))
result = EmulateNativeMethod(nativeMethod, result);
result *= GetMagicNumber(field.CustomAttributes[0]);
calledMethod = module.ResolveMemberRef(new MDToken(result).Rid);
if (calledMethod == null)
throw new Exception();
var charNum = GetCharNum(instructions, parameters.Last());
callOpcode = GetCallOpCode(calledMethod, charNum, ctx.ByteNum);
ctx.CreateMethod.Body = originalMethod.Body; // restore
private OpCode GetCallOpCode(IMethod calledMethod, int charNum, int byteNum)
if (calledMethod.ResolveMethodDef().IsStatic) return OpCodes.Call;
var charOpCode = (byte) (charNum ^ byteNum);
if (charOpCode == 0x28)
return OpCodes.Call;
if (charOpCode == 0x6F)
return OpCodes.Callvirt;
if (charOpCode == 0x73)
return OpCodes.Newobj;
throw new Exception();
private int EmulateNativeMethod(MethodDef externalMethod, int parameter)
var nativeMethod = new X86Method(externalMethod, module); //TODO: Possible null
return nativeMethod.Execute(parameter);
private int EmulateManagedMethod(MethodDef method, int startIndex, int endIndex,
params Tuple<Parameter, int>[] parameters)
_instructionEmulator.Initialize(method, false);
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
_instructionEmulator.SetArg(parameter.Item1, new Int32Value(parameter.Item2));
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) _instructionEmulator.Emulate(method.Body.Instructions[i]);
return ((Int32Value) _instructionEmulator.Pop()).Value;
private int GetMagicNumber(CustomAttribute customAttribute)
var attributeType = customAttribute.AttributeType.ResolveTypeDef();
if (!AttributeTypes.Contains(attributeType))
var ctor = attributeType.FindConstructors().First();
var magicNum = Convert.ToInt32(customAttribute.ConstructorArguments[0].Value);
var parameter = new Tuple<Parameter, int>();
parameter.Item1 = ctor.Parameters[1];
parameter.Item2 = magicNum;
return EmulateManagedMethod(ctor, 3, ctor.Body.Instructions.Count - 2, parameter);
public void FindDelegateCreatorMethod()
var globalType = module.GlobalType;
foreach (
var method in
m => m.Parameters.Count == 2 && m.Parameters[0].Type.TypeName == "RuntimeFieldHandle"))
} //TODO: Improve detection
/* 0x000005B7 6F1500000A IL_001F: callvirt instance uint8[][mscorlib] System.Reflection.Module::ResolveSignature(int32)
0x000005BC FE0E0100 IL_0024: stloc.1
0x000005C0 FE0C0100 IL_0028: ldloc.1
0x000005C4 8E IL_002C: ldlen
0x000005C5 69 IL_002D: conv.i4
0x000005C6 FE0E0200 IL_002E: stloc.2 */
private int GetEmulationStartIndex(IList<Instruction> instructions, Local localArray, Local localArraySize)
for (var i = 0; i < instructions.Count; i++)
var instrs = DotNetUtils.GetInstructions(instructions, i, OpCodes.Callvirt, OpCodes.Stloc,
OpCodes.Ldloc, OpCodes.Ldlen, OpCodes.Conv_I4, OpCodes.Stloc);
if (instrs == null)
if (!instrs[0].Operand.ToString().Contains("ResolveSignature"))
if ((Local) instrs[1].Operand != localArray)
if ((Local) instrs[2].Operand != localArray)
if ((Local) instrs[5].Operand != localArraySize)
return i + 6;
return -1;
/* 0x000008F3 03 IL_02BB: ldarg.1
0x000008F4 61 IL_02BC: xor */
private int GetCharNum(IList<Instruction> instructions, Parameter byteParam)
for (var i = 0; i < instructions.Count; i++)
var instrs = DotNetUtils.GetInstructions(instructions, i, OpCodes.Ldarg, OpCodes.Xor);
if (instrs == null)
if ((Parameter) instrs[0].Operand != byteParam)
return (int) instructions[i - 5].Operand;
throw new Exception();
private void ReplaceFieldNameChars(ref IList<Instruction> instructions, string fieldName, Local fieldLocal)
bool foundInstrs;
foundInstrs = ReplaceFieldNameChar(ref instructions, fieldName, fieldLocal);
} while (foundInstrs);
/* 0x00000375 06 IL_007D: ldloc.0
0x00000376 6F1500000A IL_007E: callvirt
0x0000037B 19 IL_0083: ldc.i4.3
0x0000037C 6F1600000A IL_0084: callvirt */
private bool ReplaceFieldNameChar(ref IList<Instruction> instructions, string fieldName, Local fieldLocal)
for (var i = 0; i < instructions.Count; i++)
var instrs = DotNetUtils.GetInstructions(instructions, i, OpCodes.Ldloc, OpCodes.Callvirt,
OpCodes.Ldc_I4, OpCodes.Callvirt);
if (instrs == null)
if ((Local) instrs[0].Operand != fieldLocal)
if (!instrs[1].Operand.ToString().Contains("get_Name"))
if (!instrs[3].Operand.ToString().Contains("get_Chars"))
var charIndex = (int) instrs[2].Operand;
int @char = fieldName[charIndex];
instructions[i].OpCode = OpCodes.Ldc_I4;
instructions[i].Operand = @char;
instructions[i + 1].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
instructions[i + 2].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
instructions[i + 3].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
return true;
return false;
/* 0x0000034A 08 IL_0052: ldloc.2
0x0000034B 17 IL_0053: ldc.i4.1
0x0000034C 59 IL_0054: sub
0x0000034D 25 IL_0055: dup
0x0000034E 0C IL_0056: stloc.2
0x0000034F 91 IL_0057: ldelem.u1 */
private void InlineArrays(ref IList<Instruction> instructions, byte[] values, Local localArray, Local localInt)
bool foundInstrs;
var i = 0;
foundInstrs = InlineArray(ref instructions, values[i++], localArray, localInt);
} while (i < 4 && foundInstrs);
private bool InlineArray(ref IList<Instruction> instructions, int value, Local localArray, Local localInt)
for (var i = 0; i < instructions.Count; i++)
var instrs = DotNetUtils.GetInstructions(instructions, i, OpCodes.Ldloc, OpCodes.Ldloc, OpCodes.Ldc_I4,
OpCodes.Sub, OpCodes.Dup, OpCodes.Stloc, OpCodes.Ldelem_U1);
if (instrs == null)
if ((Local) instrs[0].Operand != localArray)
if ((Local) instrs[1].Operand != localInt)
if ((int) instrs[2].Operand != 1)
if ((Local) instrs[5].Operand != localInt)
instructions[i].OpCode = OpCodes.Ldc_I4;
instructions[i].Operand = value;
instructions[i + 1].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
instructions[i + 2].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
instructions[i + 3].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
instructions[i + 4].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
instructions[i + 5].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
instructions[i + 6].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
return true;
return false;
/* 0x00000371 08 IL_0079: ldloc.2
0x00000372 17 IL_007A: ldc.i4.1
0x00000373 59 IL_007B: sub
0x00000374 0C IL_007C: stloc.2 */
private void RemoveDecrementorBlock(ref IList<Instruction> instructions, Local localInt)
for (var i = 0; i < instructions.Count; i++)
var instrs = DotNetUtils.GetInstructions(instructions, i, OpCodes.Ldloc, OpCodes.Ldc_I4, OpCodes.Sub,
if (instrs == null)
if ((Local) instrs[0].Operand != localInt)
if ((int) instrs[1].Operand != 1)
if ((Local) instrs[3].Operand != localInt)
instructions[i].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
instructions[i + 1].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
instructions[i + 2].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
instructions[i + 3].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
/* 0x000005CF FE0C0000 IL_0037: ldloc.0
0x000005D3 6F1600000A IL_003B: callvirt instance class [mscorlib] System.Type[][mscorlib] System.Reflection.FieldInfo::GetOptionalCustomModifiers()
0x000005D8 2000000000 IL_0040: ldc.i4.0
0x000005DD 9A IL_0045: ldelem.ref
0x000005DE 6F1400000A IL_0046: callvirt instance int32[mscorlib] System.Reflection.MemberInfo::get_MetadataToken() */
private void ReplaceMetadataToken(ref IList<Instruction> instructions, int metadataToken, Local fieldLocal)
for (var i = 0; i < instructions.Count; i++)
var instrs = DotNetUtils.GetInstructions(instructions, i, OpCodes.Ldloc, OpCodes.Callvirt,
OpCodes.Ldelem_Ref, OpCodes.Callvirt);
if (instrs == null)
if ((Local) instrs[0].Operand != fieldLocal)
if (!instrs[1].Operand.ToString().Contains("GetOptionalCustomModifiers"))
if ((int) instrs[2].Operand != 0)
if (!instrs[4].Operand.ToString().Contains("get_MetadataToken"))
instructions[i].OpCode = OpCodes.Ldc_I4;
instructions[i].Operand = metadataToken;
instructions[i + 1].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
instructions[i + 2].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
instructions[i + 3].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;
instructions[i + 4].OpCode = OpCodes.Nop;