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2013-01-02 00:03:16 +08:00
Copyright (C) 2011-2013
This file is part of de4dot.
de4dot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
de4dot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with de4dot. If not, see <>.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
2012-03-27 02:12:56 +08:00
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using dnlib.IO;
2012-11-18 14:34:51 +08:00
using de4dot.blocks;
namespace de4dot.code.deobfuscators.MaxtoCode {
2012-07-25 01:52:34 +08:00
// Decrypts methods, resources and strings (#US heap)
2012-07-23 16:08:13 +08:00
class MethodsDecrypter {
2012-07-21 00:15:40 +08:00
DecrypterInfo decrypterInfo;
class MethodInfos {
2012-02-22 19:14:15 +08:00
MainType mainType;
MyPEImage peImage;
PeHeader peHeader;
2012-03-27 01:31:45 +08:00
McKey mcKey;
uint structSize;
uint methodInfosOffset;
uint encryptedDataOffset;
uint xorKey;
Dictionary<uint, DecryptedMethodInfo> infos = new Dictionary<uint, DecryptedMethodInfo>();
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
List<IDecrypter> decrypters = new List<IDecrypter>();
const int ENCRYPTED_DATA_INFO_SIZE = 0x13;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
delegate byte[] DecryptFunc(byte[] encrypted);
readonly DecryptFunc[] decryptHandlersV1;
readonly DecryptFunc[] decryptHandlersV2;
readonly DecryptFunc[] decryptHandlersV3;
readonly DecryptFunc[] decryptHandlersV4;
readonly DecryptFunc[] decryptHandlersV5a;
readonly DecryptFunc[] decryptHandlersV5b;
readonly DecryptFunc[] decryptHandlersV5c;
readonly DecryptFunc[] decryptHandlersV6a;
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
public class DecryptedMethodInfo {
public uint bodyRva;
public byte[] body;
public DecryptedMethodInfo(uint bodyRva, byte[] body) {
this.bodyRva = bodyRva;
this.body = body;
public MethodInfos(MainType mainType, MyPEImage peImage, PeHeader peHeader, McKey mcKey) {
2012-02-22 19:14:15 +08:00
this.mainType = mainType;
this.peImage = peImage;
this.peHeader = peHeader;
2012-03-27 01:31:45 +08:00
this.mcKey = mcKey;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
decryptHandlersV1 = new DecryptFunc[] { Decrypt1a, Decrypt4a, Decrypt2a, Decrypt3a, Decrypt5, Decrypt6, Decrypt7 };
decryptHandlersV2 = new DecryptFunc[] { Decrypt3a, Decrypt2a, Decrypt1a, Decrypt4a, Decrypt5, Decrypt6, Decrypt7 };
decryptHandlersV3 = new DecryptFunc[] { Decrypt1a, Decrypt2a, Decrypt3a, Decrypt4a, Decrypt5, Decrypt6, Decrypt7 };
decryptHandlersV4 = new DecryptFunc[] { Decrypt2a, Decrypt1a, Decrypt3a, Decrypt4a, Decrypt5, Decrypt6, Decrypt7 };
decryptHandlersV5a = new DecryptFunc[] { Decrypt4a, Decrypt2a, Decrypt3a, Decrypt1a, Decrypt5, Decrypt6, Decrypt7 };
decryptHandlersV5b = new DecryptFunc[] { Decrypt4b, Decrypt2b, Decrypt3b, Decrypt1b, Decrypt6, Decrypt7, Decrypt5 };
decryptHandlersV5c = new DecryptFunc[] { Decrypt4c, Decrypt2c, Decrypt3c, Decrypt1c, Decrypt6, Decrypt7, Decrypt5 };
decryptHandlersV6a = new DecryptFunc[] { Decrypt4d, Decrypt2d, Decrypt3d, Decrypt1d, Decrypt6, Decrypt7, Decrypt5 };
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
structSize = GetStructSize(mcKey);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
uint methodInfosRva = peHeader.GetRva(0x0FF8, mcKey.ReadUInt32(0x005A));
uint encryptedDataRva = peHeader.GetRva(0x0FF0, mcKey.ReadUInt32(0x0046));
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
methodInfosOffset = peImage.RvaToOffset(methodInfosRva);
encryptedDataOffset = peImage.RvaToOffset(encryptedDataRva);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
static uint GetStructSize(McKey mcKey) {
uint magicLo = mcKey.ReadUInt32(0x8C0);
uint magicHi = mcKey.ReadUInt32(0x8C4);
2012-07-21 00:15:40 +08:00
foreach (var info in EncryptionInfos.McKey8C0h) {
2012-02-22 19:14:15 +08:00
if (magicLo == info.MagicLo && magicHi == info.MagicHi)
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
EncryptionVersion GetVersion() {
2012-04-25 05:02:36 +08:00
if (peHeader.EncryptionVersion != EncryptionVersion.Unknown)
return peHeader.EncryptionVersion;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
uint m2lo = mcKey.ReadUInt32(0x8C0);
uint m2hi = mcKey.ReadUInt32(0x8C4);
2012-07-21 00:15:40 +08:00
foreach (var info in EncryptionInfos.McKey8C0h) {
if (info.MagicLo == m2lo && info.MagicHi == m2hi)
return info.Version;
Logger.w("Could not detect MC version. Magic2: {0:X8} {1:X8}", m2lo, m2hi);
return EncryptionVersion.Unknown;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
public DecryptedMethodInfo Lookup(uint bodyRva) {
DecryptedMethodInfo info;
infos.TryGetValue(bodyRva, out info);
return info;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte ReadByte(uint offset) {
return peImage.OffsetReadByte(methodInfosOffset + offset);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
short ReadInt16(uint offset) {
return (short)peImage.OffsetReadUInt16(methodInfosOffset + offset);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
uint ReadUInt32(uint offset) {
return peImage.OffsetReadUInt32(methodInfosOffset + offset);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
int ReadInt32(uint offset) {
return (int)ReadUInt32(offset);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
short ReadEncryptedInt16(uint offset) {
return (short)(ReadInt16(offset) ^ xorKey);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
int ReadEncryptedInt32(uint offset) {
return (int)ReadEncryptedUInt32(offset);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
uint ReadEncryptedUInt32(uint offset) {
return ReadUInt32(offset) ^ xorKey;
interface IDecrypter {
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt(int type, byte[] encrypted);
2012-04-13 07:43:50 +08:00
class Decrypter : IDecrypter {
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
DecryptFunc[] decrypterHandlers;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
public Decrypter(DecryptFunc[] decrypterHandlers) {
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
this.decrypterHandlers = decrypterHandlers;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
public byte[] Decrypt(int type, byte[] encrypted) {
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
if (1 <= type && type <= decrypterHandlers.Length)
return decrypterHandlers[type - 1](encrypted);
2012-04-13 07:43:50 +08:00
throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid encryption type: {0:X2}", type));
2012-04-11 01:06:03 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
void InitializeDecrypter() {
switch (GetVersion()) {
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
case EncryptionVersion.V1: decrypters.Add(new Decrypter(decryptHandlersV1)); break;
case EncryptionVersion.V2: decrypters.Add(new Decrypter(decryptHandlersV2)); break;
case EncryptionVersion.V3: decrypters.Add(new Decrypter(decryptHandlersV3)); break;
case EncryptionVersion.V4: decrypters.Add(new Decrypter(decryptHandlersV4)); break;
case EncryptionVersion.V5:
decrypters.Add(new Decrypter(decryptHandlersV5a));
decrypters.Add(new Decrypter(decryptHandlersV5b));
2012-07-21 17:13:59 +08:00
decrypters.Add(new Decrypter(decryptHandlersV5c));
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
2012-12-20 08:34:16 +08:00
case EncryptionVersion.V6:
decrypters.Add(new Decrypter(decryptHandlersV6a));
2012-04-11 01:06:03 +08:00
case EncryptionVersion.Unknown:
throw new ApplicationException("Unknown MC version");
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
public void InitializeInfos() {
if (!InitializeInfos2())
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
throw new ApplicationException("Could not decrypt methods");
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
bool InitializeInfos2() {
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
foreach (var decrypter in decrypters) {
try {
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
if (InitializeInfos2(decrypter))
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
return true;
catch {
return false;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
bool InitializeInfos2(IDecrypter decrypter) {
int numMethods = ReadInt32(0) ^ ReadInt32(4);
if (numMethods < 0)
throw new ApplicationException("Invalid number of encrypted methods");
xorKey = (uint)numMethods;
int numEncryptedDataInfos = ((int)structSize - 0xC) / ENCRYPTED_DATA_INFO_SIZE;
var encryptedDataInfos = new byte[numEncryptedDataInfos][];
uint offset = 8;
for (int i = 0; i < numMethods; i++, offset += structSize) {
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
uint methodBodyRva = ReadEncryptedUInt32(offset);
uint totalSize = ReadEncryptedUInt32(offset + 4);
uint methodInstructionRva = ReadEncryptedUInt32(offset + 8);
// Read the method body header and method body (instrs + exception handlers).
// The method body header is always in the first one. The instrs + ex handlers
// are always in the last 4, and evenly divided (each byte[] is totalLen / 4).
// The 2nd one is for the exceptions (or padding), but it may be null.
uint offset2 = offset + 0xC;
int exOffset = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < encryptedDataInfos.Length; j++, offset2 += ENCRYPTED_DATA_INFO_SIZE) {
// readByte(offset2); <-- index
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
int encryptionType = ReadEncryptedInt16(offset2 + 1);
uint dataOffset = ReadEncryptedUInt32(offset2 + 3);
uint encryptedSize = ReadEncryptedUInt32(offset2 + 7);
uint realSize = ReadEncryptedUInt32(offset2 + 11);
if (j == 1)
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
exOffset = ReadEncryptedInt32(offset2 + 15);
if (j == 1 && exOffset == 0)
encryptedDataInfos[j] = null;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
encryptedDataInfos[j] = Decrypt(decrypter, encryptionType, dataOffset, encryptedSize, realSize);
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
var decryptedData = new byte[totalSize];
int copyOffset = 0;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
copyOffset = CopyData(decryptedData, encryptedDataInfos[0], copyOffset);
for (int j = 2; j < encryptedDataInfos.Length; j++)
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
copyOffset = CopyData(decryptedData, encryptedDataInfos[j], copyOffset);
CopyData(decryptedData, encryptedDataInfos[1], exOffset); // Exceptions or padding
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
if (!MethodBodyParser.Verify(decryptedData))
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
throw new InvalidMethodBody();
var info = new DecryptedMethodInfo(methodBodyRva, decryptedData);
infos[info.bodyRva] = info;
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
return true;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
static int CopyData(byte[] dest, byte[] source, int offset) {
if (source == null)
return offset;
Array.Copy(source, 0, dest, offset, source.Length);
return offset + source.Length;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] ReadData(uint offset, int size) {
return peImage.OffsetReadBytes(encryptedDataOffset + offset, size);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt(IDecrypter decrypter, int type, uint dataOffset, uint encryptedSize, uint realSize) {
if (realSize == 0)
return null;
if (realSize > encryptedSize)
throw new ApplicationException("Invalid realSize");
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
var encrypted = ReadData(dataOffset, (int)encryptedSize);
var decrypted = decrypter.Decrypt(type, encrypted);
if (realSize > decrypted.Length)
throw new ApplicationException("Invalid decrypted length");
Array.Resize(ref decrypted, (int)realSize);
return decrypted;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt1a(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt1(encrypted, 0, 0, 0x2000);
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt1b(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt1(encrypted, 6, 6, 0x500);
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt1c(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt1(encrypted, 6, 0, 0x1000);
2012-07-21 17:13:59 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt1d(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt1(encrypted, 5, 5, 0x500);
2012-12-20 08:34:16 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt1(byte[] encrypted, int keyStart, int keyReset, int keyEnd) {
var decrypted = new byte[encrypted.Length];
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
for (int i = 0, ki = keyStart; i < decrypted.Length; i++) {
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
decrypted[i] = (byte)(encrypted[i] ^ mcKey.ReadByte(ki));
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
if (++ki == keyEnd)
2012-07-21 17:13:59 +08:00
ki = keyReset;
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
return decrypted;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt2a(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt2(encrypted, 0x00FA);
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt2b(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt2(encrypted, 0x00FA + 9);
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt2c(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt2(encrypted, 0x00FA + 0x24);
2012-07-21 17:13:59 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt2d(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt2(encrypted, 0x00FA + 7);
2012-12-20 08:34:16 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt2(byte[] encrypted, int offset) {
if ((encrypted.Length & 7) != 0)
throw new ApplicationException("Invalid encryption #2 length");
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
uint key4 = mcKey.ReadUInt32(offset + 4 * 4);
uint key5 = mcKey.ReadUInt32(offset + 5 * 4);
byte[] decrypted = new byte[encrypted.Length & ~7];
var writer = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream(decrypted));
int loopCount = encrypted.Length / 8;
for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
uint val0 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(encrypted, i * 8);
uint val1 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(encrypted, i * 8 + 4);
uint x = (val1 >> 26) + (val0 << 6);
uint y = (val0 >> 26) + (val1 << 6);
writer.Write(x ^ key4);
writer.Write(y ^ key5);
return decrypted;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt3a(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt3(encrypted, 0x015E);
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt3b(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt3(encrypted, 0x015E + 0xE5);
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt3c(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt3(encrypted, 0x015E + 0x28);
2012-07-21 17:13:59 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt3d(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt3(encrypted, 0x015E + 8);
2012-12-20 08:34:16 +08:00
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
static readonly byte[] decrypt3Shifts = new byte[16] { 5, 11, 14, 21, 6, 20, 17, 29, 4, 10, 3, 2, 7, 1, 26, 18 };
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt3(byte[] encrypted, int offset) {
if ((encrypted.Length & 7) != 0)
2012-02-21 18:51:19 +08:00
throw new ApplicationException("Invalid encryption #3 length");
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
uint key0 = mcKey.ReadUInt32(offset + 0 * 4);
uint key3 = mcKey.ReadUInt32(offset + 3 * 4);
byte[] decrypted = new byte[encrypted.Length & ~7];
var writer = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream(decrypted));
int loopCount = encrypted.Length / 8;
for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
uint x = BitConverter.ToUInt32(encrypted, i * 8);
uint y = BitConverter.ToUInt32(encrypted, i * 8 + 4);
foreach (var shift in decrypt3Shifts) {
int shift1 = 32 - shift;
uint x1 = (y >> shift1) + (x << shift);
uint y1 = (x >> shift1) + (y << shift);
x = x1;
y = y1;
writer.Write(x ^ key0);
writer.Write(y ^ key3);
return decrypted;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt4a(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt4(encrypted, 0, 0, 0x2000);
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt4b(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt4(encrypted, 0x14, 0x14, 0x1000);
2012-07-21 17:13:59 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt4c(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt4(encrypted, 5, 0, 0x2000);
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt4d(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypt4(encrypted, 0x0B, 0x0B, 0x1000);
2012-12-20 08:34:16 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt4(byte[] encrypted, int keyStart, int keyReset, int keyEnd) {
var decrypted = new byte[encrypted.Length / 3 * 2 + 1];
int count = encrypted.Length / 3;
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
int i = 0, ki = keyStart, j = 0;
while (count-- > 0) {
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte k1 = mcKey.ReadByte(ki + 1);
byte k2 = mcKey.ReadByte(ki + 2);
byte k3 = mcKey.ReadByte(ki + 3);
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
decrypted[j++] = (byte)(((encrypted[i + 1] ^ k2) >> 4) | ((encrypted[i] ^ k1) & 0xF0));
decrypted[j++] = (byte)(((encrypted[i + 1] ^ k2) << 4) + ((encrypted[i + 2] ^ k3) & 0x0F));
i += 3;
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
ki += 4;
2012-12-20 08:34:16 +08:00
if (ki >= keyEnd)
2012-07-21 17:13:59 +08:00
ki = keyReset;
if ((encrypted.Length % 3) != 0)
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
decrypted[j] = (byte)(encrypted[i] ^ mcKey.ReadByte(ki));
return decrypted;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt5(byte[] encrypted) {
return CryptDecrypter.Decrypt(mcKey.ReadBytes(0x0032, 15), encrypted);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt6(byte[] encrypted) {
return Decrypter6.Decrypt(mcKey.ReadBytes(0x0096, 32), encrypted);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] Decrypt7(byte[] encrypted) {
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
var decrypted = (byte[])encrypted.Clone();
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
new Blowfish(GetBlowfishKey()).Decrypt_LE(decrypted);
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
return decrypted;
byte[] blowfishKey;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte[] GetBlowfishKey() {
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
if (blowfishKey != null)
return blowfishKey;
var key = new byte[100];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < key.Length; i++) {
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte b = mcKey.ReadByte(i);
2012-07-20 20:49:47 +08:00
if (b == 0)
key[i] = b;
for (; i < key.Length; i++)
key[i] = 0;
key[key.Length - 1] = 0;
return blowfishKey = key;
2012-07-23 16:08:13 +08:00
public MethodsDecrypter(DecrypterInfo decrypterInfo) {
2012-07-21 00:15:40 +08:00
this.decrypterInfo = decrypterInfo;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
public bool Decrypt(ref DumpedMethods dumpedMethods) {
dumpedMethods = DecryptMethods();
2012-02-21 18:51:19 +08:00
if (dumpedMethods == null)
return false;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
2012-02-21 18:51:19 +08:00
return true;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
DumpedMethods DecryptMethods() {
2012-02-27 05:57:55 +08:00
var dumpedMethods = new DumpedMethods();
2012-02-21 18:51:19 +08:00
2012-07-21 00:15:40 +08:00
var peImage = decrypterInfo.peImage;
var methodInfos = new MethodInfos(decrypterInfo.mainType, peImage, decrypterInfo.peHeader, decrypterInfo.mcKey);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
var methodDef = peImage.DotNetFile.MetaData.TablesStream.MethodTable;
for (uint rid = 1; rid <= methodDef.Rows; rid++) {
var dm = new DumpedMethod();
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
peImage.ReadMethodTableRowTo(dm, rid);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
var info = methodInfos.Lookup(dm.mdRVA);
if (info == null)
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
ushort magic = peImage.ReadUInt16(dm.mdRVA);
if (magic != 0xFFF3)
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
var mbHeader = MethodBodyParser.ParseMethodBody(MemoryImageStream.Create(info.body), out dm.code, out dm.extraSections);
peImage.UpdateMethodHeaderInfo(dm, mbHeader);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
2012-02-21 18:51:19 +08:00
return dumpedMethods;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
void DecryptResources() {
2012-07-21 00:15:40 +08:00
var peHeader = decrypterInfo.peHeader;
var mcKey = decrypterInfo.mcKey;
var peImage = decrypterInfo.peImage;
var fileData = decrypterInfo.fileData;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
uint resourceRva = peHeader.GetRva(0x0E10, mcKey.ReadUInt32(0x00A0));
uint resourceSize = peHeader.ReadUInt32(0x0E14) ^ mcKey.ReadUInt32(0x00AA);
2012-02-21 18:51:19 +08:00
if (resourceRva == 0 || resourceSize == 0)
if (resourceRva != (uint)peImage.Cor20Header.Resources.VirtualAddress ||
resourceSize != peImage.Cor20Header.Resources.Size) {
Logger.w("Invalid resource RVA and size found");
2012-02-21 18:51:19 +08:00
Logger.v("Decrypting resources @ RVA {0:X8}, {1} bytes", resourceRva, resourceSize);
2012-02-21 18:51:19 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
int resourceOffset = (int)peImage.RvaToOffset(resourceRva);
2012-02-21 18:51:19 +08:00
for (int i = 0; i < resourceSize; i++)
2012-03-27 01:31:45 +08:00
fileData[resourceOffset + i] ^= mcKey[i % 0x2000];
2012-03-27 02:12:56 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
void DecryptStrings() {
2012-07-21 00:15:40 +08:00
var peHeader = decrypterInfo.peHeader;
var mcKey = decrypterInfo.mcKey;
var peImage = decrypterInfo.peImage;
var fileData = decrypterInfo.fileData;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
uint usHeapRva = peHeader.GetRva(0x0E00, mcKey.ReadUInt32(0x0078));
uint usHeapSize = peHeader.ReadUInt32(0x0E04) ^ mcKey.ReadUInt32(0x0082);
2012-03-27 02:12:56 +08:00
if (usHeapRva == 0 || usHeapSize == 0)
var usHeap = peImage.DotNetFile.MetaData.USStream;
if (usHeap.StartOffset == 0 || // Start offset is 0 if it's not present in the file
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
peImage.RvaToOffset(usHeapRva) != (uint)usHeap.StartOffset ||
usHeapSize != (uint)(usHeap.EndOffset - usHeap.StartOffset)) {
Logger.w("Invalid #US heap RVA and size found");
2012-03-27 02:12:56 +08:00
Logger.v("Decrypting strings @ RVA {0:X8}, {1} bytes", usHeapRva, usHeapSize);
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
2012-03-27 02:12:56 +08:00
int mcKeyOffset = 0;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
int usHeapOffset = (int)peImage.RvaToOffset(usHeapRva);
2012-03-27 02:12:56 +08:00
int usHeapEnd = usHeapOffset + (int)usHeapSize;
while (usHeapOffset < usHeapEnd) {
if (fileData[usHeapOffset] == 0 || fileData[usHeapOffset] == 1) {
int usHeapOffsetOrig = usHeapOffset;
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
int stringDataLength = DeobUtils.ReadVariableLengthInt32(fileData, ref usHeapOffset);
2012-03-27 02:12:56 +08:00
int usHeapOffsetString = usHeapOffset;
int encryptedLength = stringDataLength - (usHeapOffset - usHeapOffsetOrig == 1 ? 1 : 2);
for (int i = 0; i < encryptedLength; i++) {
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte k = mcKey.ReadByte(mcKeyOffset++ % 0x2000);
fileData[usHeapOffset] = Rolb((byte)(fileData[usHeapOffset] ^ k), 3);
2012-03-27 02:12:56 +08:00
try {
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
Logger.v("Decrypted string: {0}", Utils.ToCsharpString(Encoding.Unicode.GetString(fileData, usHeapOffsetString, stringDataLength - 1)));
2012-03-27 02:12:56 +08:00
catch {
Logger.v("Could not decrypt string at offset {0:X8}", usHeapOffsetOrig);
2012-03-27 02:12:56 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
2012-03-27 02:12:56 +08:00
2013-01-19 20:03:57 +08:00
byte Rolb(byte b, int n) {
2012-03-27 02:12:56 +08:00
return (byte)((b << n) | (b >> (8 - n)));