import socket import time import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import threading import json import cherrypy # Configuration SYSTEM_MANAGER_HOST = "" SYSTEM_MANAGER_PORT = 10025 # Global data storage data_lock = threading.Lock() fetched_data = { 'servers': [] } def parse_client_info(client_info_str): """ Parses the client info string and returns a dictionary of fields. """ # Wrap the string with a root tag to make it well-formed XML xml_str = f"{client_info_str}" client_info = {} try: root = ET.fromstring(xml_str) # Mapping of tag names to field names tags = { 'ON': 'CallsignAndUser', 'BC': 'BandAndChannel', 'DS': 'Description', 'NN': 'Country', 'CT': 'CityCityPart' } for tag, field in tags.items(): element = root.find(tag) if element is not None and element.text is not None: client_info[field] = element.text.strip() else: client_info[field] = None except ET.ParseError as e: print(f"Error parsing client info XML: {e}") print(f"Client info string: {client_info_str}") return client_info def fetch_system_explorer_info(): global fetched_data while True: try: temp_data = {'servers': []} # Connect to the SystemManager with socket.create_connection((SYSTEM_MANAGER_HOST, SYSTEM_MANAGER_PORT)) as sock: # Send the 'SM' command with CRLF (\r\n) sock.sendall(b'SM\r\n') # Wrap the socket into a file-like object for easier reading sock_file = sock.makefile('r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') # Receive and interpret server count server_count_line = sock_file.readline() server_count_line = server_count_line.strip() if not server_count_line.isdigit(): print("Unexpected response:", server_count_line) continue server_count = int(server_count_line) # Loop through each server based on the count received for server_index in range(server_count): # Read server information server_name_line = sock_file.readline() if not server_name_line: print("No more data from server when expecting server name.") break server_name = server_name_line.strip() server_entry = { 'server_name': server_name, 'nets': [] } # Read net count for this server net_count_line = sock_file.readline() if not net_count_line: print(f"No more data from server when expecting net count for server '{server_name}'.") break net_count_line = net_count_line.strip() try: net_count = int(net_count_line) except ValueError: print(f"Error parsing net count: {net_count_line}") continue # Loop through each net for net_index in range(net_count): # Read net information net_name_line = sock_file.readline() if not net_name_line: print(f"No more data from server when expecting net name for server '{server_name}'.") break net_name = net_name_line.strip() net_entry = { 'net_name': net_name, 'clients': [] } # Read client count for this net client_count_line = sock_file.readline() if not client_count_line: print(f"No more data from server when expecting client count for net '{net_name}'.") break client_count_line = client_count_line.strip() try: client_count = int(client_count_line) except ValueError: print(f"Error parsing client count: {client_count_line}") continue # Loop through each client for client_index in range(client_count): client_info_line = sock_file.readline() if not client_info_line: print(f"No more data from server when expecting client info for net '{net_name}'.") break client_info_line = client_info_line.strip() # Parse the client info string client_info = parse_client_info(client_info_line) net_entry['clients'].append(client_info) server_entry['nets'].append(net_entry) temp_data['servers'].append(server_entry) # Update the global data with data_lock: fetched_data = temp_data print("Data fetching complete. Sleeping for 60 seconds...") time.sleep(60) # Fetch data every minute except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") time.sleep(60) # Wait before retrying class FRNAPI: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): with data_lock: return fetched_data @cherrypy.expose def servers(self): with data_lock: return fetched_data.get('servers', []) @cherrypy.expose def server(self, server_name=None): if not server_name: return {'error': 'server_name parameter is required'} with data_lock: for server in fetched_data.get('servers', []): if server['server_name'] == server_name: return server return {'error': f'Server "{server_name}" not found'} # You can add more endpoints here as needed if __name__ == "__main__": # Start the data fetching thread data_thread = threading.Thread(target=fetch_system_explorer_info, daemon=True) data_thread.start() # Configure CherryPy cherrypy.config.update({ 'server.socket_host': '', # Listen on all interfaces 'server.socket_port': 8080, # Change the port if needed }) # Start the CherryPy web server cherrypy.quickstart(FRNAPI())